
Fresh on the heels of my Dissidia NT review, I’m going to take a moment to discuss the mobile spin-off; Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. What a mouthful! This is a free-to-play mobile game that is available on iPhone and Android devices. It features more traditional RPG combat, but also incorporates certain elements found in Dissidia. The end result is a unique mobile gaming experience. Jan 30, 2018  Dissidia Final Fantasy NTa is a fighting game with action role-playing elements developed by Koei Tecmo's Team Ninja and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 4.

First things first: this really isn't the Dissidia you might know from the series' PSP days. Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, which sees Square Enix and Team Ninja teaming up for the return of the all-stars arena fighting series, boasts little of the verticality of the originals, and the RPG elements are toned down until they're almost non-existent. It's a three-on-three fighter now, rather than offering up the one-on-ones of the originals, and the results are fairly messy too. The story mode - and, indeed, much of the single-player content - has been pared back until it's pretty much inconsequential. If you're coming to this expecting a continuation of a series we last saw back in 2011, it's sure to be something of a disappointment.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT. Developer: Square Enix/Team Ninja.

Publisher: Square Enix. Format: Reviewed on PS4. Availability: Out now on PS4There are many other areas where Dissidia Final Fantasy NT comes up short. As a package, it's more than a little slim.

The story mode, as it is, has you earning Memoria elsewhere before you spend that currency to effectively unlock cutscenes - and, on occasion, you're allowed to play the game too. The tutorial, as it is, is functional at best, giving you a dry laundry list of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's myriad systems and leaving you to figure out how to piece them together. Put up alongside Street Fighter 5's recent arcade edition, or Dragon Ball FighterZ, it's pretty miserable stuff. Some slight RPG mechanics remain in how you unlock additional moves for characters as well as extra summons. And yes, there are loot boxes - but you won't be paying for them, and they unlock quickly enough.Perhaps it's best, then, to put aside any expectation of this being a fulsome follow-up to the original brace of Dissidia games, and instead consider it on its own terms. Indeed, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is built upon a quaint premise you don't come across so much anymore: the arcade port, a concept that pretty much died along with the arcade as a popular destination to while away a Saturday afternoon. And, as you might expect from an arcade original that employed what amounted to a PlayStation controller split in two on its cabinet, and from a game that was always designed with the PlayStation 4 in mind, it fits comfortably enough in its new home.And while much has changed for this new Dissidia, much has stayed the same.

This is still a fighting game set in small-to-medium-sized arenas where the environment can often come into play. At its heart there remains the bravery system which sees you chipping away at your enemy's bravery meter while building your own before unleashing more substantial attacks which deal out the all-important hit point damage. For all that's changed or been removed elsewhere, it's still an interesting dynamic to hang a fighting game on. There's an extra mode where players fight over each others cores - a welcome distraction if not quite the measure of the main meal.It remains an exquisite monument to all things Final Fantasy, too; a bustling toybox of lovingly crafted tributes in which you can't fault the fan service. Pick Final Fantasy 4's Cecil and you can play him as either a Paladin or a Dark Knight. Final Fantasy 5's Bartz, meanwhile, is drawn deliciously close to the original Amano artwork rather than some of the often wayward sprite work of the games, and elsewhere you can relish in techno retellings of Final Fantasy 6's battle theme or skirmishes across the Final Fantasy 8's promised meadow.

Also, more pleasingly, there's the chance to smash Final Fantasy 10's Tidus in the face, repeatedly, until he's incapacitated. Fan service really doesn't come much better than that.And no matter where you stand on the relative virtues or otherwise of Final Fantasy 15 and Final Fantasy 13, you can't argue the fact that protagonists Lightning and Noctis make for great fighting game characters, full of class and poise as they dart athletically in and out of battles. Victoria ii. They're both Assassins, one of four classes in a new system that informs team composition in Dissidia Final Fantasy NT.

Vanguards can soak up the damage while dealing a fair amount themselves, Marksmen hang back while Assassins can dart in and out of combat and finally Specialists offer up their own unique attributes. There are some 28 characters at launch of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT - more are due later as part of a season pass - and they're all deliciously different. Dissidia doesn't demand fussy inputs for its specials - although it does demand a lot of knowledge when it comes to spacing and counter picks.The battles are faithful to the mad spark of Final Fantasy itself - a series that, let's not forget, has always revelled in mixing things up when it comes to its combat - with their whirlwind of magic and show-stopping summons.

The girl in the song has experienced many such failures, and has become disheartened by them - she's wasted so much time on relationships that she feels weren't worth the investment since they failed her, and she's weary at the prospect of wasting any more.However, the point the singer is trying to express is that even though the outcome of these relationships wasn't successful, that doesn't mean the time was wasted, as hard as it may be for the girl to accept in her current emotional state. Wasted time eagles If you never experience failure, you never learn how to succeed. You devoted time getting to know someone and sharing yourself with them, and it seems that it's all for naught, because that person no longer desires your company in that capacity.

Teams have a pool of three lives to draw upon, and when an online match comes into focus, when players know their roles and sides are evenly matched, it can be exquisite; there's a thrill to be found in good team synergy, and the more basic pleasure of seeing match-ups play out like ether-infused wire fu.It's a chaos, though, which can be hard to pick through. The UI's far from user friendly, and for the new player it's a near indecipherable noise. The move to three-on-three ramps up the volume of action until it's a swirling static of attacks, often coming from seemingly nowhere, and an erratic, hard to tame lock-on system doesn't exactly help matters. But when it comes into focus, there's a good fighting game here - at times an excellent one.It's all a lot noisier than the two prior Dissidia games, though maybe that's down in part to where this iteration was born: in the bustle and din of the arcade, where games have to shout a little louder before they eventually reveal their depths and more lasting charms. This is a Dissidia that bears the mark of other arcade mainstays such as Border Break and Gundam Versus just as much as it does its PSP predecessors - and as a result it can be more than a little impenetrable. Final Fantasy Tactics - the actual, undeniable best Final Fantasy, thank you very much - is represented with Ramza. Shame he's a bit limp here, then.Given its emphasis on online play - there's no local versus here, sadly - it's a shame to see matches more than occasionally crippled by lag, and to see the long wait you'll often have to endure to be paired up with other fighters.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is a game that'll live or die by its following, so it's disheartening to see the audience doesn't seem to be there at launch.Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, if you're willing to see past some of its more glaring flaws and through its unwelcoming veneer, is a game of considerable depth and charm, and one that flies endearingly close to the spirit of the arcade. Whether it can find an audience in a surprisingly busy, exceptionally fruitful time for the fighting genre is another matter altogether.

It's far from perfect and there's plenty of work to be done if this is really going to play to its strengths - this isn't the Dissidia you may well already know, but once you're over that disappointment, there is at least something worthwhile in its stead.

Like previous entries in the series, Dissidia Final Fantasy will consist of fast-paced, strategic brawls with over 20 classic Final Fantasy heroes and villains available as playable characters. Each character is assigned to one of the four classes in the game - Vanguard, Assassin, Marksman, or Specialist., it was revealed that there will be no Story Mode and no cross play between Arcade and PS4.

They added that the game will have a 3v3 battle system with additional PS4 exclusive set-ups.Many Final Fantasy fans believe that the characters are the most important part of the series, some of these characters becoming iconic figures in their own right. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the classic characters this franchise has brought us, and maybe get to know a little more about some of the lesser known characters and their abilities within Dissidia Final Fantasy NT. Vanguard ClassThe Vanguard class is made up of the heavy hitters of Final Fantasy. Unsurprisingly, they mostly favor huge swords that deal a great amount of damage.Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)This powerful swordsman is probably the most recognizable character in all of Final Fantasy. He can send enemies flying sword or deal a great amount of damage during charging attacks.Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)A legendary member of the SOLDIER mercenary group, this fallen hero wields the iconic sword, Masamune. This long bladed weapon allows Sephiroth to attack swiftly during combat.Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV)Cecil Harvey is a mysterious man who calls upon the powers of Dark and Light. An expert in both swordsmanship and aerial combat, Cecil has the ability to switch between the two combat styles.Firion (Final Fantasy II)After both his biological and adoptive families were murdered, Firion became a determined warrior fighting for a world free of war.

He uses an array of arms that he can combine together to unleash devastating combo attacks.Garland (Final Fantasy)The main antagonist of the original Final Fantasy, the Warrior of Chaos is equipped with a large sword that shape shifts during combat.Cloud of Darkness (Final Fantasy III)This infernal manifestation wants nothing more than to return all of existance to the nothingness that is asceneded from. Using the Umbral Torrent ability, it gathers energy and emits a destructive beam attack.Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy)The Warrior of Light is a noble warrior that fears no one. He courageously wields his sword and shield, specializing in close to mid-range attacks. Assassin ClassThis class consists of the more agile and flexible fighters among the Dissidia Final Fantasy NT roster. Assassins are quick on their feet, able to swiftly dodge attacks, and strike with deadly precision.Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV)Prince Noctis is the heir to the throne of Lucian.

He wields spectral weapons that he can conjure at will from thin air. This impressively versatile power is only possessed by those of his royal line.Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)Fighting for what she believes is right, Lightning is an independent soldier with a kind and gentle heart. She has the ability to shift roles in combat between physical and magical attacks.Jecht (Final Fantasy X)Jecht can manoeuvre his way close to foes in order to attack with his signature brutality.

Jecht's EX skill can throw off his opponents' timing leaving them vulnerable to his attacks.Tidus (Final Fantasy X)He is an agile fighter who can dodge attacks with ease. Tidus uses his sword in combination with a blitz ball to deal damage to enemies.Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)Known as the Angel of Death, Kuja attacks via spell casting and aerial attacks.

He is the only character that is able to strike while gliding.Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)A thief with a cheerful personality and an unwavering willingness to help others. Full of energy, Zidane uses his grace and quick-thinking to help his team in battle - preferably during mid-air combat.Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy IV)Obsessed with dolling out justice, Kain's capacity for compassion is matched only by his skill and speed in combat. He wields a deadly spear that he uses to gain the advantage over aerial foes. Marksman ClassThis class is made up of characters specializing in ranged based spells and attacks. Marksman class characters are great at healing or buffing others.Y’shtola (Final Fantasy XIV)This talented long-range attacker supports her team with powerful spells that de-buff opponents. Y'shtola is a great support character that shouldn't be overlooked.Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI)Although she may not look like much, Shantotto is a warrior fear for her aggressive and unpredictable attacks.

She draws her strength from Bravery - the more she gains, the more powerful magic spells become.Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII)Ultimecia is a powerful sorceress who's magical attacks increase in damage with each blow she lands. Her EX skill can be used to conquer her enemies by raining down powerful spells from any range.Kefka Polazzo (Final Fantasy VI)This colorful character is a powerful mage that has the ability to cast spells that target a large area. This powerful ability deals damage to anyone caught within its area of effect.The Emperor (Final Fantasy II)By skilfully utilizing The Emperor's abilities, you can corner your opponents by setting traps. Once such trap is his Starfall skill which can bind enemies for a long time.Ace (Final Fantasy Type-0)While Ace is wise beyond his years, he has been known to be reckless at times. His go-to weapon is his deck of playing cards that he throws from a distance to gain an advantage over his opponents with inferior range.Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI)Another long-range spellcaster, Terra has a variety of projectile based magic attacks. She can fire multiple projectiles against a single opponent or choose from a selection of advanced spells that can severely hurt her target. Specialist ClassMembers of this unique class are able to use strong melee attacks in addition to casting magic spells.

This make them great all round fighters that can be useful in a variety of situations.Vaan (Final Fantasy XII)Vaan is skilled in using a variety of weapons. He's also super reliable as he always aids his friends in battle.Bartz Klauser (Final Fantasy V)Bartz is a warrior with a very focused goal - to balance out the right and wrongs of life.

He lands stronger attacks the more they are used in battle.Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III)Onion Knight may be the youngest warrior, but he possesses great strength and speed. His mastery of sword and magic makes him very useful in battle.Ramza Beoulve (Final Fantasy Tactics)In order to prove his worth, Ramza protects and fights for others. He achieves this by using magic to strengthen and buff the entire party. SummonsLike most Final Fantasy games, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT features Summons. These magnificent creatures help to fight your opponents in battle, with each Summon having its own set of powerful abilities.

These summons play a major role in the game and have continued to grace the Final Fantasy series throughout the years. ShivaThe ice-elemental Summon known as the Empress of Ice. She is also known for her signature move, Diamond Dust, which deals ice-elemental damage and freezes everything in an instant.IfritThe fire-elemental summon.

A powerful demon that controls fire to scorch enemies. His signature move, Hellfire, attacks all opponents on the battlefield.RamuhThe ageless mage, Ramuh, is the lighting-elemental.

He appears as an old man with a staff, which he uses to call down thunder to destroy the enemy. His signature move is Judgement Bolt.OdinThis legendary knight rides his horse, Sleipnir, to deliver a crushing blow to his enemies. Odin's signature move is Zantetsuken, which allows him to cut through enemies, inflicting instant death.LeviathanThis incredible large sea-serpent controls water and all who dwell in the oceans. This water-elemental has a signature move called Tsunami to call forth a massive tidal wave that does damage to all enemies.AlexanderThis ancient mechanical tank is infused with ancient power.

It's signature move is Divine Judgement which deals holy damage to all enemies.BahamutThis conqueror of the skies is one of the strongest among the summons. His signature move, Mega Flare, is a breath of energy that turns into a beam which deals non-elemental damage to his enemies. This move ignores defences and evasions.-That's all of the characters announced so far, but expect more to come before the January 30 release date. What do you think of the roster so far? Are there any glaring omissions you think should be included? Let us know in the comments below!