
Worms 2 download. Thank you for making Galaxy Life a part of your Samsung mobile experience. As part of our commitment to bring you the best products and services in the market, we are upgrading Galaxy Life to become mySamsung – an all-new integrated app that lets you get the most out of your Samsung.

Contents.PSA on Unused GraphicsUnfortunately the people who currently have the Flash assets have not retrieved all the assets from the Ubisoft CDN due to it shutting down thus some unused sprites have not been recovered.Unused BuildingsUnused graphics of barracks in disrepair, repaired buildings are shown in the along with unused Compact House and Star Base designs.Unused NPCsEach enemy NPC has their own base layout in the files but no unused layouts have been discovered yet.PinkiaPinkia, like the name implies is a pink coloured starling. According to one of the original developers, Pinkia was possibly scrapped due to her design, which is quite ironic considering the fact Pinkia is supposed to look like a beautiful Starling. Unused DialogueUnused Dialogue showing several versions of antagonist NPC's and unused Magmalot and Pinkia ones. Magmalot's appearance to be the Smasher Squad Alien is unconfirmed.PINKIAWhen I am your queen, I'll make sure your entire planetis the right shade of pink!In-game dialogue for PinkiaQUEEN PINKIASoldiers! What's this creature that dares look at me?Why doesn't it have pink skin like it should?Do something about it!

It makes my eyes hurt!Description for PinkiaMAGMALOTAre you calling me crazy!?I'll show you true madness!In-game dialogue for Magmalot. He has only a placeholder description though.ELDERBYI'm here to help you young one.Tell me what troubles your mindELDERBYGreetings young Starling, Let's join forces,add me as a friend! You can also recruitfriends in the galaxy when visiting their profiles.FIREBITYour inferior brain cannot defeat my master plans.Be ready for my ultimate attack!FIREBIT, THE EVILTremble little Starlings! I'm the true masterof this galaxy! My superior intellect will crushany army and no colony is safe.Surrender and serve me once and for all!SparragonYo ho ho! Beware landlubber!Your booty will be mine!CAPTAIN SPARRAGONDare you look at me landlubber?

My pirate ship isheading your way to claim all your shiny coins and minerals!Your booty will be mine!REPTICERevenge is a dish best savored coldEVIL REPTICEYou will regret all your bad thoughts Starling. I am herefor my revenge and nothiung will stop me!Unused Planet TypesThere is an unused Planet type which is a snow-themed planet potentially designed for Reptice. Reptice instead uses the normal background for white colonies.

The unused planet type's design is a recolored copy of Firebit and Sparragon's Fire type planets thus supporting the theory it was meant for Reptice. It is possible that the player obtainable (white planet type) planet type was placed as a placeholder for Reptice but the developers forgot to replace it with the unused planet type, or the developers got confused between the two snow-themed planet types.