This clock uses the classic video game Pong to tell the time. The 2 players automatically win and lose so their scores show the hours and minutes. It's not too hard to build and should cost less than $100. All the parts are easily available on eBay and the software code is free to download!
How do you do that? Exhibit friendliness and willingness to join in but try not to mind too much early on whether you are included in group activities or not. If you hear about a group activity or it is mentioned to you say something like, “That sounds like you had fun” rather than, “I would have liked to do that.” The latter comment can be perceived as you looking for an invitation, whereas the former comment is merely an observation. Rather unfairly, the less desperate you are about being included the more likely a group or potential friend is to invite you to do something with them. The same can apply to personal relationships. Try not to look too hard for an exclusive relationship with someone, even a potential partner. Most well-balanced humans will have other interests and other friends as well as family.
This is not a threat to your relationship but a sign of a well-rounded and popular person – somebody good to go out with or be friends with. Needing things in a relationship is a normal human response, but however needy you feel, try to remember that you also need a variety of relationships and that one person, however much you like them, cannot supply all your needs, nor should they be expected to. If you are very needy and have not addressed childhood issues of being unloved or unappreciated, then it is unlikely that anyone will be able to address all your needs.
You need to do this for yourself. As adults, we need to be able to minister to ourselves. To self-soothe and self-support are tools that we require before we can be in a relationship. Of course it is lovely to have someone who empathises with us, supports us, and soothes us, but if we cannot do it for ourselves we can become overly needy and desperate, which is when relationships (of any sort) start to go awry. So if you feel you want something from somebody rather desperately, try to pull back and go gently, as this will be far more attractive and be much more likely to yield positive results.
If this is a really hard “ask,” then you should probably get some help in learning how to minister to your needs and how to nurture yourself. You may want to consider counselling. I get the point of this article, however, one should not disregard their feelings to not seem needy or desperate. Yes people have other obligations in life, but I think those who are truly successful in relationships can make time for all of them. And this has to be on both sides. A woman can't give and give and not expect something back.Evidenced by the divorce rate in the U.S., people don't put enough time and effort into their relationships and just because someone is popular doesn't mean you should settle for less.
Collect coins and keys by making path through the hurdles to achieve bonus points. Shove away hurdles like containers by splatting them with excavators that you can also drive by drawing a line using your finger. But be careful as you don't want your car to collide with the exactor. Keys will help you in unlocking different vehicles with more power and better steering.Stare at your screens while playing this unique game as some hurdles will be unexpected and appear out of blue.
I think this article does a poor job of mentioning how to set boundaries in relationships.You have to have a full life in order to make someone else happy. This point was not covered at all.
There are more dimensions to relationships that what the author covered. Ben 10 omniverse final clash secret codes. Thank you for your comments. They are indeed valid - we need to feel comfortable in ourselves and for ourselves. But as a Transactional Analysist my belief is that all the unhelpful non-beneficial behaviours that we develop are related to our interactions with others, usually stemming from our first interactions as a small human with our carers. Therefore it is in our interactions and responses with those around us we will find the ability to change so that the things we do and say benefit us. After all there is very little else other than our relationships and the love we give and receive within those.
Just wanted to start a thread where e everyone can give some feedback about the ball/paddle physics.Played for 20 minutes and really like this game so far, however, I really suck at real table tennis, so I can't fully evaluate if the physics are good or not.My father who's great at real table tennis tried to play a few practice rounds, but was unable to get many points xD. I think both when hitting the ball very lightly or when hitting them hard are a little bit off.Do you as a developer have any experience with very fast paced games of table tennis? Right now it doesn't really translate that well into VR.EDIT: and if someone here has played the other ping pong games on steam could comment about those games to compare, that would be great.
The ball physics are decent.The paddle physics, however. It feels like the paddle doesn't have any rubber at all. When the paddle is pointed downwards, the ball seems to pretty much always go into the net, regardless of the upwards momentum of the paddle. I tried over and over to loop the ball, something I can do fairly consistently in real table tennis, without one success.I've not played any of the other table tennis games on Steam as I was waiting for one with decent physics. I do not think this game is there, yet. I played ping pong a lot in college.
Had a table in our dorm building. Got pretty good.I think the paddle physics are off as well. There are a lot of times when the ball will appear to go straight through my paddle, or if I'm making a big smash, it will actually go the.opposite direction., like it phases through and gets hit on the back side of the paddle. There's many a time where the paddle will register a hit, give me the haptic feedback and the unvarying sound of the ball hitting something, only to have the ball not change trajectory (which often happens with edge shots as well; I've had more than one occasion where the ball somehow goes.under. the table).That's nothing compared to the paddle physics of the AI.
It can hit the ball a paddle's width to the side of the paddle, or even far in front of where its paddle appears to be. Not to mention it manages all of its hits with a perfectly vertical paddle with no angle, swing, or energy to it. Sometimes you can get the AI to serve before its ready, and it'll still hit the ball even if it's nowhere near the paddle. Probably the worst is that the AI appears to cheat. The returns appear to take a predetermined path, sort of like how the wall game will always return a certain way.
This is especially apparent when you execute a really hard, high-speed smash, only to have a lucky AI return a lazy, consistent, and slow ball, as if their paddle were made of a pillow. It seriously takes me out of the game and frustrates me to no end to see all my effort made pointless.That said, most of the time, the physics are excellent. These are edge cases. Yeah, the hand speed to launch speed correlations, as other have mentioned, appear to be kinda off, especially at the extremes. But for the most part, you can get used to it.

It's just getting screwed over on these weird glitches happens often enough that I'm always cursing the game when I'm playing. It's 90% there, but it's the 10% that's killing a lot of the fun for me. Originally posted by:Ok but can you understand how it s hard to put in place in term of programation langage C?They better concentrate on player physics first First, the game appears to use Unity, which uses C#. I've programmed physics in C and C#, and it's not that hard to make such changes.
Actually, I think it will take a lot more work to improve player physics than making the AI paddle move more realistically, since the paddle is apparently decoupled from the forces it applies, and including inputs of incoming vectors of the ball and varying the returns will be much easier than coding the likely interpolation changes and edge detection that player improvements would entail.Futher, I would not be so insistent on saying what the devs should be doing. They know what they can do, what their limits are, and how to prioritize. I was bringing up what I thought were needed improvements and left it to the devs to do what they will, and you rudely dismissed me and started writing out priorities for them. If you're just going to write more 'we dont sic care' and 'they better.'
Posts, just leave.