
Day of the tentacle online. It’s slapstick, Saturday morning cartoon time travel, and bearing that in mind will make some of the puzzle solutions clearer.One of the achievement names, a new addition to this remastered version, acknowledges this when you solve a puzzle that’s particularly Wile E. Coyote-esque: “Oh Right, I’m Playing a Cartoon!” It’s a wonderfully expressive, colourful game, and genuinely funny too.

Well, I'm about halfway into this video, and it sounds like the 'moral reasons' also pertain to Japan's social atmosphere (as described in the video). I just hope this doesn't set a bad precedent, though.Unfortunately, I can see people playing Yakuza 3 and screeching into the sky like 'EEEEHH!!11 THIS MAKES LGBTLMNOPQIAFA PEOPLE LOOK BAD!!1111!!!' It's a shame that Yakuza Kiwami 3 will get rid of what seems like a silly, light-hearted moment in the game.


But, it sounds like they have their reasons, besides just the fear of backlash. Maybe the transvestite's voice-actor's contract expired, too?

Yakuza 3, as well as 4 and 5, are set to receive PS4 remasters in Japan, and these new screenshots show off what we can expect when they eventually make their way to the West.While it's a step up. Get Yakuza 3 Remastered, Action,Adventure game for PS4 console from the official PlayStation website. Explore Yakuza 3 Remastered game detail, demo, images, videos, reviews. As part of The Yakuza Remastered Collection, Yakuza 3 comes to the PS4™ for the first time with restored content in 1080p and 60fps.

I don't know.SJW's and other similar regressive-types are actually not the majority of the gaming population, but they are shockingly influential. They have a huge involvement in mainstream gaming. Plus, the Yakuza series is gaining more and more recognition here in the West, and the time will come when it is no longer niche, but mainstream.

When that happens, those SJW's will be all over this series, and depending on how the future plays out, Yakuza games afterwards will implement things which are the result of caving into SJW's demands. But, this is all in the distant future. Really I just felt like posting a wall-of-text opinion about this, which includes my fears of what will become of the series when it becomes mainstream here in the West. The unavoidable stuff is unavoidable and I’m definitely in favor of cutting the “aggressive pervert cross-dresser” stuff. The Yakuza games actually treat marginalized members of society pretty well compared to other Japanese games (Mama-san from Earh Angel is always portrayed as a loyal ally with a great heart and her flirting is charming, not aggressive). There were some random gay stereotypes in very minor NPCs in Persona 5 that were surprisingly offensive (meant to be funny) after Persona 4 did such a good, nuanced job with gender identity issues with one of the major characters.As for the quiz game, in a perfect world it wouod be personalized for every region but that’s way more work than a remaster really entails.

Understand it from a production standpoint.I’ve beaten a version of every main Yakuza game bow that Kiwami 2 has been released, and I don’t need to get non-Kiwamis of 4 & 5, but I’ll probably pick this one up because it’s got so much of the Y3 USA cut content put back in. I think it was in Samurai warriors 4 where you could enter quiz battles where the aim was to defeat the enemy officer that was the answer to the question(eg. Defeat the person who is the child of X). It felt like it needed the player to already have some understanding of Japanese history and really felt like it was designed for Japanese players. If it was something based around general knowledge trivia or in-game stuff(I think Y5 did that) then it'd be fine to keep, but if it's a more specialized subject like Japanese history, then I can fully understand the cut.