
Map07: Lost in the forest Idea for first open area was from my trip to Mestia (Georgia). What a beautiful place. Well, ingame experience is far away from the real one but as an inspiration, close enough. Got the forest idea (and textures) from 'chainworm kommando'. Map was a big mess for a long time. Took very much time overall.

There are a number of new archeological sites that prove civilization is much older than previously thought. If you are interested in these things start with Robert Schoch, a well known geologist. Joe Rogan has some excellent pod casts with Schoch and others.As to sites look at Gobekli Tepe, the Gulf of Cambay, Easter Island (the underwater findings). Many new offshore findings are also pushing back the timeline.Gobekli Tepe was intentionally buried by humans after they hastily repaired it more than 10,000 years ago.

It is likely whatever event caused the Younger Dryas partially destroyed their site, they fixed it and buried it to protect it for future uncovering.During the last ice age oceans were approximately 350ft lower than today due to the ice sheet growth. Indonesia was not an island chain. It was a completely above water land mass with excellent western protected port locations and favorable weather conditions. I just couldn't take his style. But there have been plenty of NOVA and other 'real' science programs that have discussed how linked ancient cultures are. Roots of language are common throughout the world.What bugs me is that YewToobers feel a need to get a video pic and description and intro as controversial as possible in order to get people to click.

Like saying the exact opposite of the same old boring topic everyone talks about, for instance. This guy LOOKS like he's gonna talk aliens.

Double action boogaloo maps. And that means I won't spend the 32 min to see if he has info that I don't already know.I like things like The History Guy. No sensationalism. Cool caps and helmets in the background. Interesting tie selection. I'm thinking maybe little-ice-age had something to do with sea levels that allowed them to build that far out.


It's the right time period. But historical record doesn't indicate a sea level drop that significant.

We are talking 1-2' to do what they did compared to today's water levels. As I've said on the Oak Eye-Land thread, I'd love for them to focus 100% of their energy on the dam and get to teh bottom of what it is. Bring in 16th century sailing experts and see why the structures are there. I'm betting with a bit of excavation and some experts they could map out exactly what that wharf/pier/dry-dock was for. And why there versus anywhere else.(I will say that if you look at a map of Nover-Scosher, you'll see that the general area of Oak Island is well protected. A good place to hole up.

Southern side, so Nor'Easters aren't killing you. Your only real 'attack' is from the Southeast, weather-wise. And the slipway and such in Smith's Cove faces teh opening, making it easy to get a sailing vessel in and out without going around any ob-stackles.). If you're talking about glasses and impact diamons found in the geological record, they exist on moon rocks too. Likely cause is either a gigantic solar flare or micro nova of our sun. We now track stars that we know have recurring 'shell nova' that do not destroy the star. The original hypothesis was this could be caused by a binary star with one feeding off the other, but we are tracking a number of them now and not all of them show a wobble that would be associated with a close in binary pair.Either way we know large solar ejections hit planets.

The rifts on Mars southern hemisphere are though to be from electrical discharge (lightning bigger than you can fathom) caused by magnetic field lines being collapsed to ground when hit by a CME.