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Game Informer has published a 15-minute gameplay video of publisher Private Division and developer Obsidian Entertainment’s newly announced sci-fi first-person RPG The Outer Worlds. The outlet has.

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After much anticipation, Obsidian Entertainment's latest first-person RPG, The Outer Worlds, is finally dropping on October 25th. From the very first trailers the original IP has been pitched as being a spiritual successor to Fallout: New Vegas, and it's easy to see why.

While the post-apocalyptic Mojave wasteland has been swapped out for the limitless potential of outer space, everything - including the mechanics, the dialogue, the character customisation, and the story structure - feels like a refined version of what New Vegas built, and not in a bad way.

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Obsidian invited WhatCulture down to a hands-on event earlier this month in London, where we enjoyed a two-hour demo of the upcoming RPG. Dropping us into a world with a pre-built character, we were free to do anything we wanted, tackle any quests, and venture off in any direction that took our fancy.

The Outer Worlds Gameplay

It was a confident move, and it left a very distinct impression, giving us a pretty robust understanding of how the RPG plays ahead of its impending October launch.