Story Possibilities for Red Dead Redemption 3Red Dead Redemption 2 does set something of a precedent that the story of the franchise is consistent across titles; a significant difference from Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto series, where the individual games’ stories are largely standalone. Given that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel, it might make sense for Red Dead Redemption 3 to be a direct sequel to the original game; continuing the story in the other direction. However, there are a few issues with doing this, not least the problem posed by the setting itself. If Rockstar chose for Red Dead Redemption 3 to go even further back, perhaps telling the story of how the Van Der Linde gang was first formed, it might also run into problems. While the setting would remain appropriate in this instance, the stories of the gang members are so deeply explored in the two existing games that it would be difficult to create meaningful character development. It wouldn’t be impossible, but it begs the question; why hamstring the story unnecessarily? Writing a New Story for Red Dead Redemption 3The third option is for Rockstar to write a completely new story for Red Dead Redemption 3.
(Not ruling out some cameo appearances, perhaps, from existing characters.) This would open up a lot of options for the potential sequel, including new settings which have yet to be seen in the franchise. Rockstar’s ability to write a compelling and emotional story has now been proven; they would surely do a good job with a new cast of characters who could be purpose-developed for a new storyline.
Remastered version. On 18 July 2016, Capcom announced that work was underway for a remastered version of the original Dead Rising, alongside its sequel Dead Rising 2 and its spin-off title, aiming for these to be released for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, prior to the release of the fourth game in the series. These were released on 13.
Full Mob of the Dead Remastered MapHello guys and welcome! I am currently working on the full remake of Mob of the Dead! I have recently uploaded the spawn room challenge to Steam! Go play it if you haven't already but i am here to show you what has been done so far!
I have fully done the spawn and i am now working on the parts just outside of spawn! I hope to have the first floor of this map done by next week! Hope you are as hyped as i am for the remake that i am doing! I upload weekly updates of this map being made on my channel every Wednesday! YT: ShiftyGam3r101.
Personally, I think a large part of the community seriously overhyped this map from the off. This was someones first map so it was almost definitely never going to be as amazing as many expected. The fact that many were hoping for a MotD remaster in Chronicles meant it got even more attention than normal.Shifty took his criticism pretty much the same way most first mappers did and the fact that they used Harry's scripts without crediting was a pretty bullshit move on both his and the other guys part. I don't necessarily agree with Harry reuploading it considering he never actually worked on it (that I'm aware of) but at the same time I can completely understand why he did considering how extremely talented and committed he is to his work and thoroughly deserves credit where due.Either way, this is just another example of the community overhyping something when they shouldn't. I'm guilty of doing it in the past with Nukem's Alcatraz map and ultimately it caused more hassle than it's worth. The map still looks very nice for a first map but it should NEVER have gotten to the point it did and the mapper(s) are not to blame, the community is for making it a bigger deal than it really was.
Top stylists to follow on instagram. Just read through to find the handful of people who will keep you entertained and in the know all day long. It's the number-one place to catch a glimpse of eye candy, from street style accessories to inspirational #OOTD looks.Not sure you're following the right crowd?
Personally, I think a large part of the community seriously overhyped this map from the off. This was someones first map so it was almost definitely never going to be as amazing as many expected. The fact that many were hoping for a MotD remaster in Chronicles meant it got even more attention than normal.Shifty took his criticism pretty much the same way most first mappers did and the fact that they used Harry's scripts without crediting was a pretty bullshit move on both his and the other guys part. I don't necessarily agree with Harry reuploading it considering he never actually worked on it (that I'm aware of) but at the same time I can completely understand why he did considering how extremely talented and committed he is to his work and thoroughly deserves credit where due.Either way, this is just another example of the community overhyping something when they shouldn't. I'm guilty of doing it in the past with Nukem's Alcatraz map and ultimately it caused more hassle than it's worth.
The map still looks very nice for a first map but it should NEVER have gotten to the point it did and the mapper(s) are not to blame, the community is for making it a bigger deal than it really was. Yeah, I was and loved every single minute of it but I got a new job that I work 50+ hours a week in but the money is crazy good (I'm a robot operator for the biggest packaging firm in the world!) so I barely have time for anything these days. I hung onto my mod role for some time despite being inactive so it was only fair that I gave it up. I miss talking to the guys, especially Andy, Bryan and Tom but I honestly couldn't give them the time time the site deserves.Maybe someday I can come back but I'm just glad I left them all on good terms and will continue to consider them and many of you guys good friends. I barely even game these days but again, the money is far too good to dwell on past times.

I can now support my family and live a good life. Can't complain at that Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 09:51:31 pm by DeathBringerZen. Was so hyped about this map. I just hope you come back and finish the lighting on this map as it's dope man.
Just see how many lobbies there are playing it 24-7 right now. Yeah you didn't credit Harry. That's a pretty big thing. But you could have fixed that in 10s + an update + tiny little description?Anyhow, just remember this is the internet so take what people say with a pinch of salt.
Yeah you had room for improvement on your map, but it's far better than the 99% of things on the workshop so you should count yourself proud to have helped make something that the masses are enjoying right now.Thanks for you contribution to the workshop. Good luck in your endeavours wherever they may take you.