The History of Wolf Home,Wolf Home wasdeveloped as a 2D chat and has been around for nearly 10years. It was created in 1999 by Underdog (Bill Underwood) partnered upwith Gre7g to create a public accessible version. The site was originally openedas a free access site and soon grew with popularity. This forcedUnderdog and Gre7g to turn Wolf Home into a fee-based site this was tooffset the coast ofexpanding the band width to absorb the increased popularity (user base)of the site and tomove the site to a self sustaining entity.It was decided that Wolf Home should still needed tomaintain a free access to new users to get an initialexperience with the Wolf Home chat environment. Wolf Home also had alarge base of users whowere underage, not working, in college and others who could not afforda pay account.This said the free accounts had limited access and limited privilegeson Wolf Home.Those individuals that contributed to the site were given a choice onservices based on agradient pay for services.
Jump to Forums - Along with its chatting component, Wolfhome accommodates roleplaying in distinct areas, and has a forum where users can discuss.
These services were the ability to have aprivate room,active scroll bar and personal poses.It was decided thatWolf Home should still needed to maintain a freeaccess to new users to get an initial experience with the Wolf Homechat environment. WolfHome also had a large base of users who were underage, not working, incollege and otherswho could not afford a pay account.
This said the free accounts hadlimited access andlimited privileges on Wolf Home. Those individuals that contributed tothe site were given achoice on services based on a gradient pay for services. These serviceswere the ability tohave a private room, active scroll bar and personal poses.Dearusers,Welcome tothe Wolf Home News letter, we are in the process of developingcommunicationbetween our users and inform you of activities, resources and changesto your Community.We hope you will join us in developing and contributing to this ourCommunity. TimberwolfUnderdog and Gre7g developed a stronger partnership and the birth of 'AThousand Words Network of Kansas, LLC' and the site.The site design was to allow users to develop their own 2D graphic website using the basic design of Wolf Home. The idea was to allow users achance to design and develop their site environmentand rules, manage their own membership and develop their own avatars.Thefall of 2004 suffered a serious program crash andwith it damage to the Wolf Home database and could not be recovered orrestored.
Wolf home and its sister chat sites would have to be rebuiltfrom scratch. The spring of 2005Kerfluffle, a member of Wolf Home and skilled programmer contacted theprior Wolf Homeadministration and brought hope to bringthetherian-based chat site a new lease in life. Kerfluffle’s approachwas to develop a downloadable client various a web based interface. Theclient showed promise however, because of internal pressure the sitewas doomed. In the fall of2005 Kerfluffle started withdrawing programming support for the siteand in 2006 Kerflufflenotified the users and administration that Wolf Home would be shut down.Siren– edited by TimberwolfTheForum,Currently we have 4,381 users that are registered for the Wolf Homeforum, the total number of the total of articles posted to the forumare 473,439covering 35, 230 topics.Thenewest member of the forum is Kabuni,welcome to the Forum.TimberwolfNote:Chatlands Deltas™are the currency used on the, chat as well as on, and other sites currently indevelopment. Trivia:Whatare 'Howls'?Speaking of conventions. The first 'Howl', the 1994 Harvest Howl,was organized by Smash Greywolf in Ohio.
A Howl is basically agathering in the flesh (or fur) of readers of AHWW to socialize, get toknow one another, howl atthe moon, leap over raging bonfires, and to generally share thecamaraderie that existsamongst members of the cyber pack. Camped out in the woods, as far fromcivilization aspossible, watching the full moon dance over shimmering heat waves fromthe bonfire,surrounded by folks of a likemind. It's truly a recharge for batteries drained my mundane humanexistence. Howls are organized by whoever has the land and time to putone on. Ask thegroup when and where the next one is; they're worth it, no matter thedistance traveled to!WhatIs Cystic Fibrosis?Cysticfibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs anddigestive system of about 30,000 children and adults in the UnitedStates (70,000worldwide). A defective gene and its protein product cause the body toproduce unusually thick,sticky mucus that:. clogsthe lungs and leads to life-threatening lung infections; and.
obstructsthe pancreas and stops natural enzymes from helping the bodybreak down and absorb food.In the 1950s, few children with cystic fibrosis lived toattendelementary school. Today, advances in research and medical treatmentshave further enhancedand extended life for children and adults with CF. Many people with thedisease can nowexpect to live into their 30s, 40s and beyond.The Wolf Home Art Staff:Astra, Bunny,Casanova, CheshireSmile,Delfine, Devaska,Dip,GTWolf,Raven,Sol,Y0teWhois this Member of Wolf Home?Helpin the fight with Cystic FibrosisWolf Home has beenhelping give support for a cure and treatment for Cystic Fibrosis. Thehope is to raise $150 dollars through this fund raising project. Theideal would be if we can raise $500.00 for this noble cause. Pleasecheck out the Kina’spost in the ForumGreatStrides - KinaHey guys it's that time of year again!
Great Strides ishappening, andI'm the leader of my team,'SoldiersAgainst CF'. Wewalk each year in Erie, PA at Presque Isle to raise money for the CFFoundation! Ifanyone wants to join the team please let me know and give me info. Ifyou can make it out to Erie to walk ofcourse!
Underdogand I worked together on aDelta Deal for people who donate to the cause!!!! Check it out!!!!I am asking artists to donate art to sell to raisemoney. I am alsogoing tobe doing that also. My dust puppy set is now for the GREAT STRIDES ASOF TODAY! So any moneyraised there also all goes to Great Strides. Also you candonate at any time to my page!
Youdon't have togo through any extra obstacles! Justdonate there! ArtWhen submitting a pose -room, or object for review, the Art Staff asked that you pleasesupply proof of permission to use uploaded artwork.

As well as any links. You are requested to supplyURL links to the source of theartwork either from the artist that gave you permission to use theartwork or from the website that lists the artwork is free for use. By doing this, you helpspeed the processup of approval, if you do not supply this information the Art Staffwill have to hunt downthis information or reject the art work because they cannot verify thatyou havepermission to use the uploaded art work. If you are the artist who created the uploaded work- please just state that youare Original Artist. If you are a new artist to Wolf Home, pleaseprovide a link to a public art gallery where we can confirm theinformation and the Art Staff can become familiar withyour art. By supplying this information you also assistthe Art Staff inrecognizing your work and be better able to identify unauthorizeduploads.Chenneoue – edited by TimberwolfAdministrativePromotions – Who is WhoListofcurrent promotion to the Wolf Home teamAlphas:Betas:Gammas:HowOld Were You!October01, 2009 the Wolf Home Newsletter ran a question on how old were youwhen you signed up for Wolf Home!
Batman arkham knight scarecrow. Jonathan Crane (also known as The Scarecrow), is the secondary antagonist of Batman Begins, and a minor antagonist in The Dark Knight Rises.
Thiswas for statistical information and not who you were; the results arelist below with 71 users posting to the thread. Timberwolf. 600%0 sCalendarof EventsWewould like to set up a calendar of events that are relevant to theWolfhome community. We will put it in the next newsletter.Ifyou have a special event coming up that is Wolfhome related, why notlet us know and maybe we can fit it in?
Hello, everyone!Welcome to Wolfhome's deviantART freebie page.We are stepping outside of our territory and into deviantART's in the hopes of promoting not only Wolfhome itself, but also the amazing artists in its community.Wolfhome is a PG-13 2D avatar chat that has an active art sharing and market community.