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Fiesta Online is a free to play 3D Anime style MMORPG where thousands of players live in and explore a colourful and magical online fantasy world!
= Weekly Updates= Fast Support= Custom Skills. (Made By Aurea.)= Production System= Buff NPC= FBZ Message System= Custom Lvling Zones= Custom mobs and Bosses= Reroll Stats.= All skills with level 1 now.= Added msg when make new character.
(Welcome Message)= Summoned Pets Skills with Quest= Custom Maps, Instances and Kingdom Quests= Lots of Bosses to Farm= Alot of new NPC items.= Custom Kingdom Quests= Instant Jobchange at Level 1= No Gem bug= No glitched Jewels= More features comming soon.
The game is finished, Gamigo just trying to squeeze every last cent of it before it totally shuts down.Before Gamigo took it over, we had 6 servers. On the US alone. Then their were others world wide. Now they are ALL dead bar 1 server on the US site. Isya.The game is full of bugs and glitches, problems galore and yet they persist in dealing with it by saying.
We are trying to fix the issue,Character balance is non existant. They have no idea how to even it up.All they do is introduce new weapons and gears that need a LOT of money spent to enhance them. THEN they have the cheek to BIND it all.SO you not only pay a fortune to enhance all the crap. You then have to pay to be able to sell it or put it on another char you have,The game is a total joke. A farce.Need a game?
KEEP LOOKING!!!DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY ON THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!! Ahh, of course this game is nice! Though, there are downfalls to it. There are 6 classes, though 1 is unlocked when you reach lv. (Clerics most usually heavily depend upon other classes when leveling, ngl. It’s annoying.)I honestly don’t recommend playing the game if it’s your first time, though. It’s easy to get to lv 60, maybe 70 or 80, but once you hit 80 and you don’t have any connections, you’re done close to done.Also, on another note, if you’re gonna head for cap and get all +12 gears and whatnot, say goodbye to your wallet (: You may end up spending a lot of irl cash.
Welp All I can say is right now you can probably get away with capping without using any money whats so ever. Need a way to make quick Gems in game Farm all the shit no one farms anymore. Seriosuly make a Perm 56 farm lvl 50 blues in CP1 ypu can sell then for 500Gems depending what it is. Seriosuly though.
Cap is 135 now You can do it easily with a party or if ur just a op Mage. Go to Isya or Pagel servers they are the most populated. Unless u hate ppl try the other two lol. Seriously though I been on this game since 08 and i always seemed to come back to it.
There is deff no other game lile fiesta. I know ppl say graphics suck but thats why i lile it.
I mean i prefer 07 Runscape over the new one xD!! But yeah I say give it a a chance Its super easy to lvl to 115+ now lile super easy I have 3 perms now and I used 0 SC for it no money loss for me.
I farmed all my own gears. You might have to buy Enchantment stones if you want more def and what not but its not to bad. Fiesta Online was my first online MMORPG.Back then i didnt know anything about MMO world and how things gobut back then outspark did alot of good stuff.the game wasnt so much pay to win.many events, mostly in weekends and then Q and Aplus the game made u play in teams otherwise u would lose the quest and THAT was one of the big things that i loved about this game. Today games just make u solo all the time and ull do fineFiesta had a simple sistem to sell stufif u wanna sell stuff just stay afk and sell ur stuff budylike in real life stay at ur shop and sell itshout all u like and make ur prices lowerask ppl and maybe ull scam a player to paywho gives a damn just turn ur stuff into money.
DO NOT play this game.1. The prices have gone up since gamigo took over.
It is basically a requirement to have SC or Slime Coins (previously Spark Cash when Outspark had the game) and if you don’t you are basically a loser in this community.2. The community, the players, are awful. I have quit and returned to this game multiple times and finally quit for good. People are toxic. Fiesta is like an abusive relationship – you get beat up and keep wanting to come back. You don’t believe me?
See for yourself. PVP and “perming” (making your character at a permanent level so you can get crap tons of game money) is all that matters anymore. The game has certainly gone down the drain. People are poisonous in this game and unless you like crying, don’t play it.3. The economy is set up by the players and it is terrible. When I started things were cheap.
As a player you get the opportunity to make your own prices on things you find and want to sell. Things have gone up to 100Gems since the game came out. It’s impossible and requires you to pay with real money if you ever want to be considered well-off in this game.4. It’s too addicting. You will spend hours on this game and probably not feel like you did anything at the end. Let me tell you, it’s not worth it.5.
The game masters/managers do not care for the game. Things never get updated and when they do they are pointless. When people go against the Terms of Use you know what happens? Nothing is done.6. The game is DEAD. Yes the server merge happened but there are NO new players.
All of the KQ’s (Kingdom Quests, which are dungeons you can play with others) are dead for low levels. No one joins. Sure you can join!
Hello hero tips. Fincon's Hello Hero All Stars is 3D idle RPG which boasts an ever-expanding roster of legendary heroes to collect and upgrade. Those who've played Hello Hero and Hello Hero Epic Battle will mostly know what to expect here, but All Stars makes a number of smart improvements to the formula while easily being the most ambitious entry in the popular series yet. Hello Hero All Stars is a brand new Idle RPG for Android and iOS by Fincon Co., Ltd. Let’s have a look at our Hello Hero All Stars guide, tips, cheats & strategies. Fincon Co., Ltd, the publisher behind Hello Hero game series, has just released an Idle game, named as Hello Hero All Stars for mobile. It’s an online Idle RPG where you deploy. Hello Hero – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies Hello Hero is a new social RPG for the iOS and Android platforms by Fincon. This game combines all of the usual RPG tropes (knights, wizards, archers etc) with some truly unusual characters (a banjo-playing cactus, for one) to make a surprisingly excellent gameplay experience.
But be ready to be killing everything yourself and probably dying within the first few minutes! All that is left of this game is high levels. 80-100+ and if you aren’t a high level well you basically suck in this game. Did I mention the community is terrible? I and so many other people have been cyberbullied and harassed through this game and I have stopped playing due to abuse from other players. Again, stay away.8. The enhancing system in this game is bull, let’s be real.
If you want to enhance something you’d better be willing to pay real money for it. I’m not talking 10 or 20 bucks I’m talking $100 to be able to spend money for pixels.
To enhance you have to have stones, which can be bought in-game, but when you enhance, the item has a much greater chance of BREAKING or being downgraded now, since Gamigo took over. Once that item breaks? You’re screwed. You’d better be willing to spend money on at least 3 enhancement bundles if you wanna be “like the other cool players.”Overall just let this game die. The ONLY thing that is keeping is SOMEWHAT alive is the fact that, to keep themselves feeling “cool,” players will spend hundreds of dollars on items that are not permanent (only last a month) and cost a lot of game money. You don’t think it’s pay to win?
Think again.When this game came out it was so much fun. Having just gold made you rich, and it was rare to have Gems. It was rare to even have SC or cool game items.
Do yourself a favor and don’t install this game. This game and the company which hosts it (gamigo) is nothing but a joke at current stage.
You are guys saying that the game is dead. Well it was, now it has a Server Merge that would merge all the servers into only 4 servers and the population would increase. Guys, all this negative comments are from 2013 and lower years, now we are 2015, and i can badly say that the game is TOTTALY DEAD. Not only in the community. It’s dead on everything. If 1 gold was equal to 1000 SC, now 2 GEM is 1000 SC. Really, if here’s still peoples who’s wondering about this game – DON’T.
Just bypass it. It will be worth of time, money and everything. The economy, the community, the cash shop – check out the previous comments and imagine them even worse. Let the game rest in peace. I played about 3 or 4 years ago and loved it. The servers were busy and I ended with a level 90+ cleric, a two level 60 mage/archer.
Unfortunately what everyone else is saying is right. The game has completely downhill since 4 years ago.
Almost nobody is online (I played on the Cypion server) since I recently started again. All of the store items are vastly overpriced and expensive. It’s hard to level characters when there’s no one else playing, nor can you buy scrolls and other things you need for your characters, when no one is online. The game is constantly having glitches and kicking me off the server as well. Unfortunately, all the Kingdom Quests seem to be dead as well and the Tower of Izel. I remember having to waiting at least an hour just to get in the tower and the kingdom quests filled in less than five minutes.
This used to be a really fun game but it’s definitely not what it used to be even 3 years ago. Hopefully there are some other MMO’s I can try out that are much better than Fiesta! Everything negative I’m seeing posted is absolutely 100% correct about the OS (outspark or original server) is completely true, my husband and I have played sense shortly after OBT, there’s no help for new players, your ignored by staff unless you are decked out in SC items, with full +9/10. They have sense the release added two new classes Tricksters which can use dual swords or claws, and Crusaders who use large 1h swords and magic (which by the way you have to have at least one level 60+ character to create a Crusader). When they first added in Party instances like Izyel Tower and Crystal Castle you could cap out of them really quickly using the quests if you got a good party, and seeing how fast the exp was it was surprisingly easy to get a good party IF you were one of the wanted classes (DD Mage/Archer or Cleric normally, sometimes a Tank fighter). Now this is mainly about Outspark, they have sense fallen in to the hands of Gamigo, who has tried?
I want to say tried. To improve the gameplay and lesson the amount of SC requirement. However you still need it for enhancing and several other things. And that’s not even including if you want to customize your characters look!What it breaks down to is, while Fiesta Online is a “Free to play” MMORPG it is a “Pay to Win” one as well.However, if you truly enjoy this games system and graphics there is always the option of joining a private server, and after some searching you can find one that is NOT P2W.
Just know, the rude inconsiderate people are everywhere. The GMs and Staff that ignore you unless you are an elite member, are everywhere. This game, like so many others that are MMO is corrupt down to its core. If you can ignore that and gather a few friends to play with, the private servers to have more than just a few friendly people that are willing to help you and will explain the money system and enhance rates if they are not on the forums for the PS.Games like this start out good and friendly, but once a cash shop is introduced it can be a fast down hill track, like anything they need to make money to stay afloat and pay for updates. I just wish they could find a better way. I’d pay to be “Godly” or “OP” before paying for something needed to play the game or level, or even just for customization of characters beyond the basics.
I would say yes. Although i just joinned back recently and am still at the low levels myself, the experience so far has been enjoyable.
The many complains on the site has some true to them but there are also certain things left that makes it worth playing again. Imo as long as u join the right guild academy you are sure to have a great time. And while the kingdom quests do not have as many player doing it, it is still doable as the low lvls ones can generally be done with 3-5 ppl, another thing is that so far people i met on kqs are friendly people and the only sir doucheshington i met in this game was someone trying to sell me an item and cussing at me in some other language afterwards.
I play on Bijou myself and my guild academy is -Fairy Tail. If anyone ever decides to play fiesta be sure to drop by 🙂. Worst game to play of all time If there other that want to play this game dont it a game for hacker and cheater my account got hack my Gem where Gone My weapon my Blue +9 everything gone. It a game run by hacker. If i where you dont play Dont even try to play it. Cuz all your hard work will go down the drain. Just like it did with me.
I hope you all Listen to me and Dont player this. This happen to a few of my friends as well. Am only looking out for everyone. That want to play a good Mmorpg game. So i beg of you dont play it. Find something better. Why not playing another games?
I mean another curently new mmorpg. It must have a better graphic, a better storyline, a better community, a better staffs, or just try a famous publisher of mmo that already have lots of positive feedback and guarantee that they are working what they are suppose to do. Unlike gamigo, they raising the prices, more bugs, take a looong time like seriously long to reply a ticket and its not really answering our questions. If you looking for old mmo, why not trying to play ragnarok? Its also an old mmo.
Or well you can try check other games from youtube. I won’t recommend fiesta for my friends. It is not free MMORPG. We have to pay to win battle.
Youtube time to search a good mmo^^. I’ve played fiesta till level 35 and I simply said is free to play but not free to level up. Even the enchantment stuffs need cash otherwise success rate will be very rare. I think all games must be the same all free to play but involve money to go further. Factually, they developed the games cost them money so their purpose is to gain back for sure. Even for all flash games involve real money to level. The real winner is the one who never play all this online leveling games at all.
I’m not trying to offend anyone by saying this. This is just my point of view. Hope this advice is helpful. Fiesta is dead!!
The servers stay on low now! The updates are a buncha bullshit! The developers and publishers CONSTANTLY find ways to add things to the game that arent asked for, and take out things that they SHOULD have kept!! The cashshop is just that a TRUE cashshop!! It cost far to much for even basic items (like a name change, or skill reset, or beauty coupon) that SHOULD be available ingame!! The game mechanics are terrible the PvE scales HORRIBLY (as far as the exp vs level ratio) and the PvP is unbalanced AND controlled by the cashshop!!
The story is uninteresting and end lvl content is garbage unless you are in a big guild which hordes the world bosses! And often times the big guilds are the ones you DONT wanna join cus there relatively full of arrogant condescending assholes! (BTW I was a MEMBER of a few big/raiding guilds, and can say this honestly!) The game has become more of a task then it is enjoyment!
The publishers try an lie on any review about the game and when ppl speak the truth about the game depending the outlet they will simply erase the statement! There are those players that will lie to you and try an “boost” the game up but always remember some ppl are just gluttons for punishment and enjoy being treated like shit!
So when you speak the truth rather then make a compelling argument to prove you wrong. They just rage and flame. I recommend that anyone who is reading this review play Aura Kingdom or Terra instead! If you dont believe me go play it for yourself! And good luck to you!
But I think you will find how true the statements im making are! (not to mention there is NO influx of new players!, so be ready to lvl solo and forget about KQ’s as they dont fill up anymore anyway!). Fiesta starts out as a fun, anime style game, with interesting maps to explore, and plenty of quests to do. But it gradually becomes a strictly grinding game with very little story line and very few quests.
At high levels, completing all quests will get you 20% to next level at best, and the rest has to be made up grinding repeatable quests. It is free to play, but pay to win, and even with a double experience boost card you will still end up literally having to kill the same monsters 20,000 times doing repeatable quests. Unfortunately, I know this from experience as I completed a weapons title from start to finish on a 9x repeatable and it required 21,000 kills to complete. You will also need to buy cash shop items to help keep you alive or from losing experience on death as 1 death at higher levels can set you back hours of grinding.Just about everything in the game is based on gambling.
The weapon/armor enhancement is virtually impossible without spending money to keep your item from being destroyed, which everyone learns the hard way, and even then it is random whether or not you are successful. The success rate is so low at higher levels that it can take 20-30 enhancement stones just to get an item to +3, unless of course you pay real money. There are perm outfits but they all have bad or no stats. The outfits with stats expire after 30 days.
Some of the best items in the cash shop are only available from the “lucky” boxes, which is just a form of gambling to try to get an item you wish you could just pay for.The game is also notorious for crashing. “Fiesta.Bin” error, or “binning” happens so often, it has become an in game joke among players. Other problems include “Target out of casting range” errors if your vid card or cpu is overclocked, and problems with route determination that constantly get you stuck on stairways, trees, and other objects when you click to move somewhere in the distance. If you want to check the game, or forum by your self, go ahead, check the NA forum one. You’ll see how many people has been posted a thread, got closed by GM’s. Or well, maybe they’ve been deleting it.
Well, 1st time to check is how the staffs talks with their customers. Coz we’d be their customers.
2nd, check the screen captures. The graphic or the game play. It’s what i’ve learned tho. Maybe it’ll help you to decide which game is best or not^^ don’t waste your time.
Agree with BaalTheDefiant1, if you wanna know how the games looks like, try pserv^^ there’s more than 100. Choose 1 and have fun. Its useful for people who want to draw armors^^. Truthfully once upon a time this game was AWESOME!!
But thru the years instead of getting better it only got worse and worse!! Outspark (the previous publisher) Had an alright cash shop for the game with deals and ways to obtain free items and such, HOWEVER there in game fixes and content updates SUCKED MASSIVELY! Now with the NEW publisher (gamigo) They actually have some pretty ok updates (WHEN they actually update) but the cash shop is ridiculously over priced!
And alot of the new content they add is cash shop related in some form or fashion! Onsonsoft the developers have NO CLUE as to what to fix in the game or what to leave alone! The community is pretty much dead because as someone stated earlier: Coming in playing for the 1st time, you will HARDLY be able to advance! Most of the players there are veterans who have made lower lvl chars and they dominate selfishly over gears and basic in game content (i.e. Bosses, grinding maps, raids) The economy of the game is so inflated that there is no possible way to “grind” the amount of money for the gears you would want to obtain! Not to mention the population itself is dying hard and fast because most ppl have realized that the pubs and gm’s aren’t TRULY doing ANYTHING to revive the game!The pvp aspect is Terrible!!
Its unbalanced and depends HEAVILY on cash shop items, not to mention skills don’t work correctly on a lot of classes.This game is dying and the ones who still play are those of us who have just spent so much over the years were just hoping that one day the game gets better! But it wont greed has killed it! Greed from the pubs and from the community as well!! I suggest to anyone thinking of playing.
Go play a pserver version or play another game do not waste your time here. So, i sent a ticket saying i lost my account. They sent a reply like we can tell you that our accounts cannot be “hacked”, in terms of someone gaining access to our system and obtaining a player’s password or other information.
So then i tried to make a new tab, and typed, gamigo, hacked 2012. Found a shocking article. (not really shocking anymore) Summary: Gamigo was hacked back in February but only in July are we seeing the results. More than 8.24 million e-mail addresses and passwords have been leaked after what looks like the biggest security breach of the year (so far).now, it’s your choice. I made a biggest mistakes that i joined em.
Fiesta is great game, simple yet details on graphic. Fiesta license was bought by the wrong person.
So sad that ppl who love fie, will watch it die, slowly. Full of haters around, yet the haters love it also, just hate the company who running it. Time to choose^^ and here’s a tip, you better not spending any money on fiesta, and buy some awesome trusted mmorpg. It’s a lot cheaper than playing fiesta, trust me.
You still can play with your friends, no random banning, no weird staffs that will delete your thread coz you just ask make sense questions yet they wont answer it. Coz it’d reveal them self.
Save your fellow gamers!:D. I’m soooo not gonna recommend this game to any gamers out there.
The staffs were nice, but when they are revealing their true faces, eeeh, its bad. The worst thing you can imagine. I’ve been playing peacefully in fiesta for 5years.I had a capped guardian. Yes, guardian not gladiator. So i never done any violation of ToS, coz i don’t know how to glitch heal(is it even exist?). But they perm banned me for doing several violation of ToS.
And they didn’t interrogation me, 1 on 1, or not at all. One day i wake up, tried to log, and found out i’ve been banned. I tried to keep calm and checking my email. And there it is, i just got permanent banned. And i just capped this year.
Well i’ve achieved my dream there. I capped.You can play fiesta on your laptop. But please be aware if you travelling, they will ask a prove that it was you who travel and log on your acc. They said i;ve done a 6h flight yet i logged in 2 hours. Im a jumper^^ or i have a concorde. (should be nice)^^i’ve asked them bout what if i go to friend’s house, without a laptop, and she play fiesta also. I logged from her pc, then after i played, she wanted to log in.
So i jumped out from my acc, let her log. Is that account sharing( againts ToS just FYI) or is it “hacking”?too bad they gave me this answer” yes, players can use their laptops anywhere to access Fiesta.”that’s all. And i’ve asked for 6 epic questions.
Posted it on forum, they closed it by saying send it to CSR. ^^ i’ll make more questions 😀 hehe.
I cannot recommend this game to any new players. It is already ruled and owned by high level players and their alts. The game suffers from sky high prices for gear, a lack of interest by high level players to keep the game friendly, and a generally low population across all servers except at peak play times. Most trade is done through individual stores because there is no auction house. You must go from store to store to look at items people have put up for sale at often grossly inflated prices.
Newcomers will be hard pressed to afford most good things for their level because they are being sold by farmers/alts of higher level characters. The high level characters are excessively greedy because they are trying to earn money for the items of their own level at grossly inflated prices.
So basically it is a trickle down effect of BS where the bottom man gets hit the worst. The bottom man is the newcomer. As you level up it gets harder to find good items to continue your quests/grinding. Although people complain about grinding it is far easier to grind than to actually find the gear you need to be competent at grinding. It is a very rough community with more bad than good. People are generally not going to work together or share resources. Although many of the population are very young (think elementary through high school), the 20+ is sadly no better.
Horrible ethics and questionable morals abound in this community. They blame everyone except themselves. Yes if you have money to buy exp boost and teva(when you died, your exp stayed. Usually will -1% on high level).
If you don’t want or can’t spend money, then well, it’ll be slow and yea, you’ll get tired before you cap. For suggestion, don’t play the NA.
Play the pserv. It’s very easy to lvl up.
Guarantee w/o any money. Teva, boost on npc. So ya^^ NA is wasting of time.
The GM’s can ban you if they don’t like you. With no discussion or asking any questions. They’ll make you guilty and you can’t have your acc back. And all of your hard work, money, all gone^^. Oh I missed playing this game when it was good. Back when instances were always full and you’d have to check every 2 seconds to see if there was room for your party. There were so many people that I lagged every time I went to the center of Elderine because everyone gathered there.
This game used to be what it’s name implies. I used to could say “Hi” in shout and get at least 20 replies back. Recently, when I went back to the game thinking of it’s past, I was shocked to see the game looked practically abandoned and I got no replies from my “Hi” (sad world.). The rare incidents of human life I see never talk and are ungrateful for the things I try to help them with.
(I’m cleric so it’s in my nature to help others, sadly). It has changed to much, every time I see someone they die to a monster, which sums up how this game is now. Dead with every new opportunity. When the trickster class first came out, I was happy to embrace the lag that came with it along with the full servers. But that didn’t stay long.
People just complained like they always did when new stuff happens. Ok guys, let’s begin:Details:1. Closed Beta Tester for Fiesta (puts me at around 6 years now)2. Spent around 2500$ on game.Now to business. Let me preface everything by saying that I love this game and that the friends/experiences that I made through playing it were worthwhile and close to my heart.Alas, I could not refer this game to a new player with a good conscious.As many people have already stated, Fiesta is on the decline, majorly.
The license to the game was recently sold to Gamingo, a European gaming company. This game has many faults including class imbalances, various bugs/glitches, as well as a distant and ignorant staff.
The company only cares about making money at this point, they realize their game is dying and all patches that are released these days are only geared towards making the CashShop more available to players i.e mobile purchases, prepaid cards, bogos etc. The population of the game has declined over the years steadily.
It’s even said now that the popular private server Selesnia Online, (for those of you who don’t know private servers are independent copies of a public server with no “relations” to the trademarked server.) has a greater population than two of the Fiesta Online servers (legel, epith) combined. In short a private server is doing better than the real server. Anyway, Fiesta does still have a few positive aspects. The graphics are nice and pleasant to the eyes and the music is still classic and inviting,but be warned. If you play on creating a new character be prepared to be very lonely. All that remains on these servers are old players who all have high lvled characters and the occasional smurf account.
If you do not invest in sparkcash be prepared to get owned in every pvp event. It’s even to the point where one cannot work themselves up through the levels with just hard work, the dev’s and owners have made that nigh impossible. I hope this helps, explore the game if you must,but you will only feel skeletons of what the game used to be. As other people have already stated, fiesta is no longer the game it was 4-5 years ago. The community has steadily gone downhill and it really is pay2win.
You will not be able to.enjoy. any sort of endgame content without forking over a lot of money to get there AND to maintain your character every month. Pvp is a joke as again, if you got money, you got power. I no cookie QQQqqqQQQqqqqqQQQQ” there’s nothing especially challenging about this game.
Anything that might have been considered challenging gets nerfed eventually. It was a fun starter mmo and i have a lot of good memories but fiesta just isn’t worth anyone’s time anymore. Hello im a fiesta user too my char is wizmage but it is banned because my gulid master is also a hacker he hack all of mu things even my 33$ invest because i want to buy an item the last time i play fiesta is when im really down to my guild master i just notice thet when i come back fiesta is evolved with a new class trickster that has a great skill but is unbalanced im just worried for my master eszzhrac99188 maybe he quits the game when you see eszzhrac99188 please say i will be gone by 12 years of not playing fiesta maybe he return in playing. My name in fiesta is kinsenki101 please inform me when you talk to him 🙂. I’ve played fiesta since the start of Open Beta and I can say that much things have changed in the game.Negative Things:1. PvP is overly biased towards those who use the cash shop. I’m not saying that those who don’t use cash shop items have no chance of wining BUT you’ll probably just rage quit trying.2.

Economy is dying and continues to die by the minute. While top guilds continuously increase the rewards of academy members who enroll in their guilds, this causes the prices of items to inflate and thus, killing the economy.
Aside from this, enhancing items pretty much require players to use the cash shop and this really inflates prices. Another thing, there are people who trade in game money for cash shop items and of course this also kills the economy. Before the gifting rate was 1 in-game gold equals to 1k cash shop money. Now the rates have gone up to 30 gold for 1k cash shop money.3.
They keep adding stuff they shouldn’t. Instead of fixing old bugs and glitches, they add in new stuff to keep up with the more modern mmos. I admit this is an admirable effort BUT the new stuff they add pretty much just adds to more glitches and bugs.4.
SUPER SLOW SUPPORT SERVICES. If you send in a ticket today, consider yourself extremely lucky to receive a reply in a week.5.
The usual top guilds dominate the raids and items. If you ever plan on having good gear, start sucking up to the top guilds because there’s no other way for you to get the best gears in game.Positive Things:1. Good community. I know a lot of people will argue to this but Fiesta is the only MMO I played so far wherein you really get to know the players. There are a lot of event quests and kingdom quests which help players to get to know who are the people in their level ranges. PvP kingdom quests are also separated by level ranges so there are a lot of opportunities for players to get to know each other (whether its to like them or to hate them). Aside from these, there are also constant forum events that give out cash shop items and forum badges for bragging rights.
These events help cultivate the creative community and players are also encouraged to work together in some of the events (like say a comic writing contest requires one player to be a writer and another to be the illustrator).2. Active player participation. The forums may seem a little bit dead now BUT there are always people who will reply to you (even if that means trolling you or flaming you haha). There is also an active group called the Artist Corner in which players get to design costumes, pets, and mounts among other things which gets sent to the developers to be made in game. Although these artists are not compensated for monetarily, they are given a copy of the designs they have made.3. Nifty Features.
You like Pokemon? Aside from the usual titles to collect, there are also monster cards to collect in the game. If you’re having a hard time with money making, you can farm rare cards from low level bosses that sell up to 2.5 gems each (Teva server prices). Aside from cards, the game also has a production system that allows you to create your own potions and scrolls that increase vitality, defense, magic defense, aim, evasion, mentality and speed! You also get to craft your own stones or weapon enhancements. If you’re too lazy to make your own stuff, you can always have a go at the Lucky House capsule vending machines that give out items ranging from scrolls, stones, potions, cash shop items and even rare and godly weapons.4. Levels 1 – 80 are really fun.
You can level from 1 – 30 with quests alone and from 31 onwards you have instance dungeons to boost you up. In fact, if you’re lucky and get parties often, you can get to 105 in no time with LN (Leviathan’s Nest). You can also get through these levels pretty easily until you reach 100 where things get more serious and you’ll start needing and wanting better gear only available to the top raiding guilds.5. A good game for beginners.
It’s easy to understand, simple and really fun. If you’ve never played mmos before, Fiesta is a good start. If you’re confused, you’re not alone. Just give a shout and you’ll see a horde of players happily responding to you. But of course, like all beginnings there must be an end. When you’ve had your fun, feel free to move on before you get sour and bitter like most of the oldies. They be like “Back in my level, we didn’t have these.” 😀All in all, its a good game and I love it.
But like all MMOs, it gets stressing to play after some time and that’s why I take my casual breaks and try out other games 🙂. I started playing this back in 2007 but quit in 2010, recently came back to find my beloved game in shambles. Now i only played on the Bijou server so idk what the situation is on the other servers, but the community is complete sh.t now.
Back when i used to play people were friendly, but now it seems that 70% of the popluation is full of elitist who look down on those whom are lower than level 80 and the rest are complete noobs that have no idea what they’re doing so end up quiting before they even reach level 50. There’s also an Inflation in prices, normally something that would sell for 10-20g is now selling for 1G (gem or 100g for those who arent familiar).Of course it’s not only the players at fault, Outspark has seriously messed up the game by making it a complete Pay2Win game, you absolutely have to pay up if you plan to get past level 70 or you have to “no-life” it. Also they don’t even have gamemasters that get in game anymore.I give them 2 years or so before they just shut down the servers or they do a complete wipe. Great game but is boring if u dont have friends.
I recomend playing on bijou server has lots of people and very very friendly people once someone gave me 12g for free and items very generous. Kingdom quests are really fun and are a great place to make friends and get good exp. I also recomend joining academies with good rewards i joined a academy and a higher ranked member took me under their wing and supplied me with +9 weps jewerly,armor some people can be a bit rude but not very many also if u become a cleric people will beg u for buffs but i think thats how it is with most mmos haha 😛. I played this game while it was still in open beta and I had no idea it was still around Oo. All gpotato does is take away their good games such as luna online and tales of runner i paid alot of money into luna online but then they changed to luna plus and made it crappy and lost a ton of players and about a year later boom they shut it down cause they made it so crappy they also got rid of pirus too and a few others they keep coming out with these new games but they always end up failing then getting shut down their only good games are flyff rappelz aika and allods hopefully those dont get shut down too 😛. I’ve been playing since the end of ’07 with short breaks. Something i noticed and personally found very interesting is when i was younger (and the game wasn’t even out for a year yet) it was easier to make friends on there.
Now i’m 18 and i just can’t talk to anybody. Maybe it’s because of that i don’t buy cash shop items anymore and don’t take leveling so seriously? I don’t know. I capped in 2009 when the level cap was 89, and spent at least $25 each month on CS items. I was popular, known by most of the server.
Now the players i knew back then and found now don’t even bother saying hi, altho they know who i am (playing new characters). What keeps me playing then?
It’s pvp i think. I’ve been a long time player of fiesta and can assure people this game is nowhere near what it used to be. When it came out in ’07 Fiesta was a largely community based mmo with staff that would actually interact personally with the players as well as players who played just to have a good time. Now Fiesta has been “fixed” due to the numerous complaints from people about how the classes were unbalanced, said complaints coming from elitist/etc, which began its downfall.
Current Fiesta players only care about one thing only: How much can I overcharge people for simple items. Perfect example of this is when the enhancement system first came out where you could enhance your weapon to +9 for higher damage. For almost a year no +9 weapon was more than 20 silver, which is really really cheap considering, since people only played to have a good time. Nowadays on the other hand even the lowest grade of +9 is over 5 gold (5000 silver). Due to complaints that still flow in about the games class balancing the staff now has only minimal contact with the players since it is literally nothing but whining over simple things that they can’t control 95% of the time. Overall I give Fiesta a 1/5 stars compared to once giving it a 5/5. I’ve played this game, i even became a wizmage (assended class of a mage.duh.) but.i just got tired of all the grinding:T The last time I played Fiesta I just wanted to try out the newest class called a “Trickster”.
It was a pretty cool class, but they never botherd to mention how you aquired and used “souls” for certain skills. I ended up buying 2 skills that other users and I had no idea how to use and I quit the game for good with a lvl 7 trickster.Idon’t exactly miss the game, but I did like the little dances that came with the game 😀 Each class got a cute little quirkbut the best stuff had to be bought with real money. If I wanted to do that i would’ve purchased a mmo to start with XDI will admit, I first played Fiesta when it first came out and all the servers where at “High”. The pvp was great and I actually enjoyed the quest that you could do with everyone (they had a specific name.).
Then, my mount ran out of food, it took forever to log in, and well, there was nobody to talk to:T All of the friends I made quit. Even my guild master quit. Well, where do I start? Firstly do not be deceived by ‘the game has a lot to offer’. It doesn’t.Despite what some people may say, the game is on its way down – all you have to do is visit the message boards and see the general negative gameplay related comments made by active players. In the last month or so, looking at active concerns I saw almost no response to this on the boards by the staff of the game.
There are claims of “we now have x million players” – but in reality maybe 10% or less of those accounts are active. The majority of active players are now clustered in the top levels and a lot of the lower levels are relatively empty – I quit a while ago and it was already noticeable that lower level instance quests were not going off full, if indeed at all.Guild support? Join an academy and after a spot of quick levelling you’ll get kicked to make way for a lower level as guilds get rewards for the amount of times people level up in academies.Housing system, an estate for your friends – died a very quick death (contrary to the fanfare it is given on their Wikipedia entry). No follow-up additions were ever released.Pet system – a joke.
You need to spend real money to get limited-time pets to increase your stats, at higher levels these are utterly useless (indeed even by lvl20 the ones you find in the game are worthless – +1 to each stat is next to useless).Enhancement – once you get past the base levels you are practically guaranteed an auto-breakage (and loss of your item) without getting cash shop items.The game has for a long time been divided into who spends stupid sums of real money and who doesn’t. If you don’t want to spend far more each month than you would spend on buying a good quality commercial computer game then don’t even think about player vs player, or indeed guildwars because you will get beaten out of sight.The ‘active and helpful’ player base haha. Take a look at their message boards and you will see comments of servers getting quiet. The ‘addicts’ will only be helpful and your friend for as long as they are useful to them.As you level up, each level gets slower and slower and at higher levels become slow grind fests. Again without cash shop items you can wave byebye to your social life if you want to reach the top.
There is no storyline (despite claims). There are several bugs, missing character and production skills which have yet to be addressed after 4 years. And you still see veteran players complaining about this, staff making promises which never seem to materialise, and lots of people going back on their word.Oh, and also, something they don’t tell you about maintenance updates.
Old, redundant files remain on your computer. Discovered 1.5GB (and 11,000) unnecessary files were on my computer over the course of 9 months (when I did a file/size comparison when setting up a new computer).In summary – avoid this game.