AuraAura: Fate of the Agesby Streko GraphicsWalkthrough by MaGtRo July, 2004version 1.01Gameplay: This point and click game comes in 3 CDs and CD1is needed in the drive for gameplay and saving. The Main Menu has new game,load, save, settings, credits and exit. Within the game, press ESC to access themain menu. The setting options include video to change resolution and colordepth, audio to adjust music, sound and environment and subtitles. Press ESCagain will bring back the gameplay screen. There are 'unlimited' save gameslots. Press ESC, spacebar on enter skips the cutscenes.Right click of mouse access the inventory bar.
Go to C: Program Files (x86) Steam SteamApps common Aura Fate of the Ages Right click on the file named settings, select open with and choose notepad. Change the line name resolution with: Resolution=1280; You guys owe me a beer and some pancakes, eh! Dosent work does the same thing then when i re open the file it resets the options.
Click on an item frominventory and the cursor will change to that item. Right click of mouse willautomatically open the inventory and return the item in inventory. At the rightend of the inventory bar is the journal. The journal stores information as shownby a shimmering of the journal during gameplay.Note: If the active spot disappears during gaming,exit the game and replay from a saved game.
You can die in one world but will begiven chances to redo the puzzle.The Keepers have existed forever. They guard the secrets of the universe andare the keepers of the Sacred Rings. They can go to parallel universe and createnew realities.
When the Sacred Rings are combined, the holders of these ringssupposedly have great power and immortality but are never seen again.You are Umang, the best student of Arakon, the Elder of the Clan of Keepers.You are sent to Ademika to meet Grifit who will continue your training. You arenow ready to enter a new reality.AdemikaGrifit's House:Enter the houseand go to the book stand at the left side of the room. Read Grifit's note lyingon the open book. He wants you to prepare the journey ship that is inside thehidden tunnel for travel. 'Do not forget to activate the navigational map'. Whenyou picked up the note, the journal shimmers indicating information is placed inthe journal. Right click and see the inventory bar.
Click on the journal atright end and see 5 drawings for this world are entered. To turn the page, place-click the cursor at right side of thepage.Turn around, forward and pick up the charger from the bookstand rightof the entrance to the next room. Itlooks like the part that goes on top of the machine in the drawings.Globe - Turn right and see a globe. This looks like the globe in the4th drawing in the journal.
Click on the lamp on the left and then click on the topknob of the globe. When the planets passunder the light of the lamp: the large blue planet turns red; the medium redturns yellow, the ringed green planet turns blue and the small yellow planetturns green.Activate the charger:Go to the table at far end of the room by the windows.
Look close at scale atthe middle of the table and pick up the lighter in front of the scale andthe rectangular wood thermometer. Click on the scale to see it move. Backup, turnright, look close and click on green gem to open the box. Automatically get agreen gem, red gem, blue gem, a J-shaped stencil, acomma stencil, a V-shaped stencil and a generator.Go to the machine right of the globe and click the lighter at the base of thepot looking machine. This lights the flame to make steam.Then go to the machine right of the steam maker machine.
Look close and pressthe round knob on the square to start a pump. Click on the round knob again tomove the steam to the next machine.Go to the machine right of the pump machine and click the thermometer on therod at right of machine. Slide the knob at center of machine to one line beforethe end to heat up the steam as shown by the change in color of the purple rodof the thermometer.Go to the machine right of the heat machine and see that it looks likethe machine in the drawings.
Insert the charger on top and click on the 3 blue tubings on the right to charge the charger.If completely charged, sparks are seen on thecharger. Take the charged charger (sic, er. Sick).Zodiac Room - Enter the next room and see zodiac signs on thefloor and the walls. Climb upstairs and look around on the 3 wall mounts withglyphs that can be rotated.
We need more information for this room aside for theitems being found in drawings 2 and 3 in the journal.Go down, look right of the entrance and see a pentagonal panel on the wall.Look close and press the 5 metal buttons starting from the top going clockwise.See a contraption rise from the floor.Click on the round dome of the contraption and it opens. Place the generator on the holder. Thedome closes.
Rods around the base and a wall at right side open. A flame startson the left of the machine. Go to the opened wall, see a door with a blackcircular lock, turn right and pick up the lever from theleft side on the entrance.Note: The puzzles in this room and upstairs need more information. Let's lookfor more data. Exit the house.Outside Grifit's house:Outside the house, pan right and go forward once. Here the path goes forwardand a path is seen on the left. Go forward once more and again the path goesforward and another path to the left.
Let's go forward to the lit greenstructure ahead.Planets and colors structure: There are 4 curved columns at the perimeter. At the base of each column is adome stand. At the base of each stand is a globe similar in size-shape to the planets seen around thehouse globe. At the center of thestructure, there are 4 small stands with 3 colored ovals around it.Planets and colors puzzle - The object of the puzzle is to correlate the domestands' globes with the planet color seen inside the house. Then correlate the small standsat the center of the structure to the color that the planets inside the house changed to whenthe lamp is lit. This is explained by the fourth drawing in thejournal.A:Arrange the dome stand planet colors to be that of the house planet's colors.Click to open the domes.
Going from left to right column:1. Left dome stand shows the smallest planetat the base. The smallestplanet shown at the globe inside the house is yellow. Open the dome, and seethat yellow is already at the foreground.2.
Next stand shows a midsize planet. The midsize planetinside the house is red. Open the dome and see that the red circle is already atthe foreground.3.
The next stand had the ringed planet at the base. Theringed planet in the globe inside the house is green. Open the dome and click onthe circles to place the green at the foreground.4.
The last stand has the largest planet. The largestplanet inside the house is blue. Open the dome and turn to place the bluecircle at the foreground.B: Enter the central area and turn the small stands to have the appropriatecolors facing the dome stands. The correct colors are the ones the planetsinside the house changed to when the lamp was lit.Left to right:1. Turn the leftmost small stand to have the green ovalfacing the smallest planet dome stand.2.
Turn the next small stand to have the yellow oval facethe medium planet dome stand.3. Turn the next small stand to have the blue oval facethe ringed planet dome stand.4. Turn the rightmost small planet to have the red ovalface the largest planet dome stand.Watch the cutscene of lights shooting out and the cover on the floor opening.The navigational map automatically goes in inventory.Exit the structure and take the first side path to the right. Go forward 4xsover the bridge and turn right.
Climb up to the bell structure.Bell Structure: There is a pot stand in front ofeach of 3 pillars. Each pillar has a glyph. Click each pot and see a glyph comesout.
Screen captures are shown later. Exit the bell structure and turn right at the main bridge path. Go forward tothe end.3 Pointed Roof Structures: The path splits to 3 stairseach ending at a colored pointed roof structure. To the right of thesepointed roof structures is anotherstructure with 3 antennae. At the left is a blue globe.This is explained inthe fifth drawing in the journal. Climb each steps, pressthe blue button on the stand to open the door.
Click twice on each small pink square thatis similar to the stencil glyphs taken at the house until a cutscene of lightsare activated in the structure with antennae.The comma stencil at the leftblue roofed structureproduced sparks at the left antenna.The V stencil at the middle red roofed structure producedsparks at the middle antenna.The J stencil at the right green roofed structure producedsparks at the right antenna.See a cutscene of the antennae folding down and opening of a domedroof.Go to the blue globe at the bottom of the steps. Look close, click on thewired top to raise it and take the Zodiac triangle.Go back to the main path via the bridge and turn right on the main path. Goforward once and turn right. Go forward until the split of the path.Green globe structure: Turn right to the green globestructure. Look down and insert the lever on the round knob on the floor. Clickto turn the lever.
These activates the green globe and in turn the oppositestructure. Take the lever from the knob on the floor.
Go to the oppositestructure.Cardinal points-Zodiac structure: This is explainedby the third drawing in the journal. Look down and use the lever on the roundknob on the floor. Click the lever to turn it. This activates the cardinalpoints with zodiac signs puzzle.Place the Zodiac triangle at the center. Thisopens the base of the zodiac stand at the upstairs room in the house.
It showsthe South part of the stand. Stairs GlyphsMiddle GlyphsRight GlyphsWhen done correctly, a cutsceneof the small dome at the ceiling going down to the central zodiac stand is seen.Zodiac stand puzzle - Theclues to this puzzle was seen at the Zodiac structure.Look close at the slotleft of the S on the base of the stand. Insert the charger -charged up onthe slot. Place the navigational chart on the clip of the dome that lowereddown.
Look close at the Zodiac sign at the base and enter the Zodiac signspointed at by the Zodiac triangle at the Zodiac structure.Click once on the right side of the zodiac sign of the topring, once on the left side of the zodiac sign of the middle ring OR click 3xson the left side of the zodiac sign of the top ring, 3xs on the right side ofthe zodiac sign of the middle ring. Either way, see a cutscene of the domeclosing down and the navigational map will be activated.
Take the activatednavigational map.Go down the stairs to the door with the now green lock on the opened wall. Enter and go throughthe tunnel.Belik arrives to inform Umang that there is an uprising within the Clan. Durad and hiswarriors want the control of the Sacred Rings and the Tetrahedron.
Arakon manages toretrieve the Sacred Ring from the keep. He wants Umang to take the SacredRing, go to parallel universe, find Grifit and get the Tetrahedron.
Just besure that the Sacred Rings and the Tetrahedron do not fall into Durad's hands.Go forward to the ship. Insert the activated navigational map on the holder.Click the lever on the right side of the deck. Watch the ship fly out of theopening of the dome and arrive at another world.DragastThe airship lands on a snowy mountainous place connected by bridges. Exit theship and walk to the main bridge path. Turn left and enter the door of the tower theairship is attached on. Talk to the man working on a jigsaw puzzle.
He says totalk to Armagast and find the tram which will lead to Armagast's office. Exit thetower and go to the end of the bridge and see a control stand on the left.Control stand switch: Not much information yet to do thepuzzle.
Go back to the man in the tower and talk to him again. The diagram isbehind the door.
Close the door by clicking on the handle and see red, blue andgreen icons. The drawing of the door icons is entered in the journal.
Talk tothe man again and he asks that if you see pieces of hispuzzle to bring it to him. Go back to the switch stand again at the end ofthe bridge.Bridge Switch panel puzzle - Look close and see 4round buttons and 4 square buttons. Turning the buttons changes the color of thesquare buttons. There's a handle at the bottom of the screen.Based on the door drawing:Thebridge will go left using the red colors, middle using the blue colors and goright using greencolors. The round buttons pressed should be based on the sequence ofthe lines drawn on the door viewed bottom to top line.
Red = ― / │Blue = ― / │ Green = / │―To turn the bridge to the right: Pressthe round buttons until all the square buttons are green. Click the handle atbottom of the screen and see it get recessed. Press the round buttons in thesequence shown by the drawing / │―, from left to right buttons: 1324. If done correctly, see the lines formed.
Click on the rightpad and the bridge will turn right.Go forward to the top of the mountain. A left bridge goes to a closedbuilding. Go forward to the other side of the mountain to the tram. Sit on thetram and automatically reach the other mountain.
Turn left and go down thestairs. Enter the door and talk to Armagast. Grifit is not there but Armagastgives access to Dragast so that Umang can obtain what he seeks (thetetrahedron). The journal shimmers. Look at journal to see 5 new drawings forthis world.Go back and ride the tram, climb the steps to the bridge going to the right.In front of the bridge is a large door similar to the fifth new drawingin the journal. Cross the bridge and enter the now accessible building.Temple: Enter and see statues planking thehallway.
The statue at the end of the hall is seen at the fourth new drawing in thejournal. To the left of the statue is a lever. A drawing on the left wallis similar to the lines of the 5 lined circles at the center of the room.First circle puzzle - The object of the puzzle is toarrange the lines to be similar to the drawing on the left wall.Go to the central 5 lined circle puzzle.Save game here!Note that when the central circle is clicked on, the 4 outside circlesrotate. If you click on one outside circle, it becomes inactive and will notturn when the central circle is activated. There are lines in between the circles that canguide you as to which circles need to be turned or not.Go back to a saved game prior to clicking on any circle.If the circles are numbered from top to bottom and going left to right - 1 to 5(with the central one as 3): Click on 1 3 5 3 3 2 3 1 3. If done correctly see thelever gets activated. Go to the lever and click to pull the handle down.
This turns the statue anda manhole on its base is brought to the front. Go down the manhole and forwardto the cell door.Cell: The man says he is trapped in thecell and wants Umang to open the door.Cell door puzzle - Studying the puzzle, note that the middle row's metalshape does not conform to the shape of the top and bottom row. The 3 circles onthe middle row should be moved to the right end and the 3 triangles on the leftend.Here's one solution - Numbering the holes in the middle row from L-R: 1-4 onleft end, 5 (middle), 6 (middle bottom), 7-10 on the right end.The directions stated below are from left to right starting from top row.Click on first number to go to the next number.
Click on each hole to move onehole at a time. 2 to 13 to 24 to 67 to 38 to 49 to 56 to 104 to 93 to 82 to 71 to 65 to 27 to 38 to 49 to 56 to 85 to 74 to 53 to 65 to 37 to 46 to 710 to 9Press gold button.Meet Arkampus who gives Umang a deal for not telling Armagast about himbeingthere. He shows the key to a secret passage out of the hall. An unknownamulet is in inventory.Second Circle puzzle - Arkampus shows a new pattern on the lined circles onthe wall. The central puzzle turns.
The solution is exactly similar to the firstpuzzle. If the circles are numbered from top to bottom and going left to right -1 to 5 (with the central one as 3): Click on 1 3 5 3 3 2 3 1 3. If done correctlysee the lever gets activated.Pull the lever and see the statue turn. Pull the lever again and see thestatue lean backwards to have access to the passage above the statue just likethe right statue in the fourth new drawing in the journal. Click on ladder andthenup to a lit hallway.
At the end are 3 mirrors and a desk planking the hallway.Look close at the desk and click on the book on the right to reveal 2 pieces ofjigsaw puzzles. Take the puzzle pieces. Go to the other side of the halland take the left mirror. Climb the ladder at end of the hallway and comeout on the rooftop of the temple. See a tumbler pillar with 5 glyphs. Not enoughinformation to do things here.Go back down the ladder, down to the temple, exit the temple, go across thebridge and take the right path to go back to the rotating bridge.Bridge Switch panel: Now, we need to set the switch panel tothe blue color and lines ― /│.To turn the bridge to the middle - Pressthe round buttons until all the square buttons are blue. Click the handle atbottom of the screen and see it get recessed.
Press the round buttons in thesequence shown by the drawing ― /│, from left to right buttons: 3412.If done correctly, see the lines formed. Click on the top pad and the bridgewill turn to the middle.Go to the tower. Give the man the puzzle pieces.
The journal has the drawingof the finished puzzle. Now, those drawing looks like the one on the temple rooftop. Let's go back to the temple rooftop.
Click on the right lined pad on theswitch panel to turn the bridge to the right.Temple Rooftop: Go behind the round tumbler withglyphs andplace the mirror to lean on curved metal rods. See the other side of the tumbler. Turn the tumbler sothat the glyphs seen on the mirror is the same as the jigsaw puzzle.
If done correctly, watch the petal likeroof open up, clamps are removed and the lever in the temple goes down.Go back down to the temple and pull the lever. See the statue straighten up.Pull the lever again and see the statue rise up to show a grilled door at theback wall. Go through the grilled door.
Climb the ladder to anotherskyline platform.See an ornate tower on the other side. The bridge spanning here and there islowered. Go to the contraption on the right. See 4 circles that are reminiscentof the third new drawing in the journal.Raising the Bridge puzzle: Note that the red arrowson the circles have distinct shapes.
The top circle of the first panel can not be rotated.The object of the puzzle is to arrange the bottom arrow of top circle to be themirror copy of the top red arrow of the bottom circle. Note that the last circleon previous panel should be the same as the start of the next panel. After the first set is done, click on the left rim of the wheel ontop to turn it clockwise and see the next continuing set of 4 circles. There are4 sets.
If done correctly the bridge rises automatically. First panelSecond PanelThird PanelFourth PanelCross the bridge to the ornate tower. Take the Tetrahedron of Dragast.Go back to Armagast via the tram. Show the Tetrahedron to Armagast and he tells Umang to combine the rings with thetetrahedron. To do this, you have to activate the lift.Activate the lift:1. Look around the room and noteicons on the floor of the recessed wall across Armagast.
Go to the machine left of Armagast's desk. Usethe oval button at the center to get the icons seen on the floor. Press the centraloval button 2xs.2. Click on the 4 sets of sliders to show wires with headssimilar to the icons in the background. From left to right: click on 4th slider,2nd slider, 3rd slider and 3rd slider.3. Go to the slider across Armagast. Pull down the ballsto the position shown by the sliders in the other machine.
From left to right:4th position, 2nd position, third position and third position.If done correctly, the lift comes down. Climb on the lift to reach a secretroom with more icons on the walls. Nothing to be done here yet. Get on the lift again byclicking the up arrow and reach another floor above.
Place the tetrahedron onthe center of the stand. See the pillars in the icon room go down.Go down and talk to Armagast. He gives the hint to the icon room.
The iconsshow up on the floor and are recorded in the journal. Memorize,memorize - that was too fast! Go back up to the iconroom via the lift.Icon Room: Enter and study the icons. Thereare 3 columns and each has 3 tiers of icons. Each column has 3 sides, so each tierhas 3 icons and one of the 3 not seen. Study the drawing on the journal and compare the icons on theposts. The journal drawing has 3 sets of icons and each set also shows 3 icons for eachof the 3 tiers.The object of the puzzle is to arrange the icons onthe columns to be similar to the first and last icons in each segment in the drawing.
When completed, see energy go across the room and a ball of light enters theTetrahedron. Go to the lift and ride up. Take the Sphere within theTetrahedron. Armagast tells you to go to the dungeon entrance at thecenter of Dragast. There you can combine the Tetrahedron with the Sacred Rings;without the ringsotherwise the theta shell will not be able to leave Dragast. Leave room and ridethe tram.
Go to the turning bridge.Bridge Switch panel: Now,we need to set the switch panel to red color and lines ― / │.To turn the bridge to the left -Press the round buttons until all the square buttons are red. Click thehandle at bottom of the screen and see it get recessed. Press the round buttonsin the sequence shown by the drawing ― /│, from left to right buttons: 2134.If done correctly, see the lines formed. Click on the left pad and the bridgewill turn to the left.Go forward and enter the building.
Go forward until a round metal doorbypassing the path to the left. Passthrough the metal door and take the path to the right. The left path leads to a lift that isnot activated yet.
Climb up the ladder and see a round contraption that haspipes leading to the lift down below on the left side. The setup in this cavernis the one depicted in the first new drawing in the journal.Activating the lift -1. Press the button on the right of thecontraption. See steam come out.2. Standing close to the left side of the contraption,pull the lever that is in front.
See the clamps rotate and steam come out.3. Press the top of the contraption and see the smallgears rotate.4. Press the button on the right of the contraption againand see the view change but nothing happens.5. Click on the lever at left of machine and see it turnto the other pipe.Go down to the lift at the left path.
Click on the lever on the floor and the liftgoes down. Enter a cave. The waterwheel is depicted in the second new drawingin the journal.Activate the waterwheel: While facingthe entrance, follow the pipecoming out left of the entrance.
Turn the faucet, passthe 2 tanks, turn the next faucet and then click on the lever on the generator.See the waterwheel in the background start to turn. Go closer to the left andsee the other drawn setup at the bottom of the cavern.Go back up via the lift.
Exit the cave through the round metal door. Goforward and turn right.
Go forward and check the machine setup with a raisedplatform on the right. It is the setup shown on the fifth new drawing in thejournal. Pull the lever on the floor left of the raised platform. Thismachine setup on the main raised platform is not activated. Go back down.Battery Room: Go forward pass the blacksmith to the endof the tunnel. This is what we saw from above.
Go forward to the 3 round batterystands on the left. The left stand does not have a battery. Pull the lever onthe ground that is in front of the round battery stands. A mechanic comes outand tells you - not enough contact on the batteries, to go to the blacksmith andget a new one.
A broken battery will be in inventory.Go back to the tunnel and give the broken battery to the blacksmith. Take anew battery from the bottom shelf. Go back to the battery stands.Battery stand puzzle - The object of the puzzle is to activate thebattery stands by lowering the lid of each stand.
The lid lowers down when theexact turn is done on each stand and the battery is in the correct position.The hint for this puzzle is seen on the 3 rows of 3 cylindersin a row at the backwall of this cavern. Study the cylinders and note that they gray cylindersrotates but have a blank circle. The stationary cylinders have red segments onthe circle.The position of the stationary cylinder denotes which stand it gives thehint for: the top left cylinder is for the left battery stand, the middle secondrow cylinder is for the middle battery stand and the bottom right cylinder isfor the right battery stand.The circle denotes how many quarter turn thebattery stand will make. A completewhite shows the battery stand does not turn.
So a quarter of red in the circle means that thebattery standturns one quarter, half red means half turn (2 movements) and three fourths redmeans the battery stand will move 3/4ths of a circle or 3 times.Time to do the battery stands acrossthe room.1. Place the new battery on the leftbattery stand under the empty slot of the lid.2.
Check the hint cylinders as to where to position the middle and rightbatteries so that it will fit the slot on the lid of the battery stand when the turn ends.1/4 red of cluecylinder means position the battery to be one hole awayfrom the open slot on the lid.1/2 red of cluecylinder means position the battery to be two holes awayfrom the open slot on the lid.3/4 red of cluecylinder means position the battery to be three holes awayfrom the open slot on the lid.3. Pull the lever and see if the correct position of the batteries was done.If correct, the lids close.4. This is a random puzzle.
So if itwas not done correctly, a new set of hints are shown on the cylinders in theback wall.If done correctly see that the inactive raised platform passed by earlier isnow activated. Go there through the tunnel.Raised Platform: Pull the lever found on the floorat left beforethe raised platform. The grill rises, go forward to the center of the raisedplatform. Click on the central hole to raise a handle. Click on the handle andsee the opening of the round door at the other mountain by the temple.Click on the lever to lower the little platform.
Go to that opened door thatis in front of the bridge to go the temple. Exit the building, turn the bridgeto the right, climb the ramp and turn right at the middle of the walkway justacross the bridge to go to the temple.Joining the Sacred Rings with the Tetrahedron - Enter the opened door. Clickon the handle to go down. Turn around and go to the end of the ramp. Look up andplace the Tetrahedron on the round bar.
Place the Sacred Ring on the loweredpink circular bar. Watch the joining of the Tetrahedron and the Sacred Ring toform Tetrahedron within the Rings.Go to the airship. Click on the lever and fly away to Na-Tiexu.Na-TiexuSave Game here! Exit the airship and enter the door of the Mirror house.
The house has 4mirrors in each corner, a backdoor and a table with tuning forks of differentcolors. The clue for the tuning fork puzzle is behind the table when you firstenter the room. When picked up, it will be seen in the journal.Correlation of circles on the table and the mirrors on the wall:Mirrors - See that there are 4mirrors on each corner of the room. When clicked each mirror produces a series oftones. Under each mirror is a set of 4 bars that made the series of tones. Theycan vary in length.
Above the set of bars is a curve that shows the position ofthe bars in the series of tones. The tones start at the wide part of the curveas shown by the clue paper.Tuning forks - On the table are 4 circles that have holders for tuning forks. Eachcircle onthe table has that curve that shows the position of the tuning forks in theseries of tones produced. The curve and the tuning forks are colored.
The curvestarts on the left and goes counterclockwise. Based on the clue in the drawingfound behind the table, the first tone-tuning fork is on the left, the second onthe front, the third on the right and the last at the back of the tuning forkcircles. Above each circle is a round crystal that when clickedproduces the sound of the set of tuning forks if they are inserted.Note: If the active cursordisappears, exit the game and replay from a saved game.1. Find which tuning fork circle matcheswhich mirror. Click on the round crystal above the tuning fork holders and matchit to the sound a mirror makes.The purple curved circle that is at left end of the table corresponds to themirror left of the entrance.The green curved circle to the right of the purple one on the tablecorresponds to the mirror left of the back door.The pink curved circle on the right side of the table corresponds tothe mirror right of the back door.The gold curved circle on the rightside of the table correspond to the mirror right of the entrance.2. Check the position of the barsunder the mirrors and correlate it to the position on the tuning fork holders onthe table. This is based on the curve above the bars of the mirror.
The onlymirror that is similar in position to the tuning fork curve is the mirror on theright of the entrance. This mirror is the one that is matched to the gold tuningfork circle.
The rest of the mirrors are opposite in position of the tuning fork circles onthe table, so the placement of the tuning fork is reversed. Left side of entrance(Purple tuning fork)Right side of entrance(Gold tuning fork)Left side of backdoorGreen tuning fork)Right side of the backdoor(Pink Tuning fork)3. Check the length of the bars under themirror to see where the low tones to the high tones are positioned. Matchthe bars to the position of the tuning forks holders on the small circles.4. Then test the sound of the tuning forks by clicking the tuning fork on the center bar while in close up.5. Place the appropriate tuning forkson the tuning fork holders. Start with the gold circle, then proceed going tothe left.
See the correct tuning forks to be placed on the correct slots at thegraphics below. Place the numbered tuning fork to the same numbered slot on thecircle.6. Press the button at the center of the table.The mirrors get activated and show the different world. To go to that world,press the button in front of the tuning fork circle.
Then go through the back door andenter that world.Astrology World: At the Mirrorhouse, press the buttonin front of the purpletuning fork circle (leftmost circle on table) and then exit through the backdoor. Enter a desolate world with a giant moon-planet on the right side andseveral towers. Go forward and climb the ladder. Talk to the Astrologer.
He saysthat you must first collect all the artifacts of Na-Tiexu before you can findthe Tetrahedron of Na-Tiexu. He can help put together the Star Dust butfirst you must have the Grain of Life found in the Spirit World before you canaccomplish anything. Go back to the Mirror house.Spirit World: At the Mirrorhouse, press the buttonin front of the green tuning fork circle (secondfrom the left circle on table) and then exit through the back door. Go forwarduntil you reach an open hut, passing several statues holding a small replica ofthemselves and side paths with more statues.Climb the ladder and turn left.
Talk to the Spirit Woman in blackusing a mortar and pestle. A Spirit can help you find the Tetrahedron ofNa-Tiexu. But first put together the 7 mood figures and come back to her.Collect the 7 spirit statues from around the area. Go back to the Spirit Woman and she tells Umang to take the Grail to the MainSpirit. Pick up the Grail from the floor.At the start of the path to the Main Spirit statue that is not holding a small statue, pick up a leaf from the white rocks.Spirit puzzle - Place the grail on the hands of the Angry Main Spirit (with a small pond infront of it). Click on the pond and it will show the sequence of the spirits.Turn around and look at the posts with vines intertwined around them. Follow thestart of the vine coming out of the hill on the left while facing the posts.
Place the first spirit statue on the first post that is wrapped by thevine. Continue on until the last post right of the post area. If correctly done,the Grail opens and fills up with Spirits. Take the Grail with Spirit.Grain of Life - Go back to Spirit Woman and ask about Grain of Lifethat the Astrologer mentioned.Talk to her young helper at the other platform.
'There is a tree stump on top ofthe hill and you will find the grain in its roots. The cave is dark and you needthe flower manna to light the way'.
Escape from ensenada 2017 trailer. Turn around and take the pot with flowermanna in a small pot on the lower shelf.Go to the statue accessed by going through a hole on the rocks. Standin front of it and turn around. Enter the cave. Place the pot of flower manna onthe table and see the manna touch the flowers to light the cave. Look up andsee a closed flower above the table.
Clicking on it does nothing.Go back and talk to the Spirit Woman's Helper. She tells you to take thepoisonous smoke. Pick up the Vial of Smoke, the last jar on top shelf. Go backto the cave and place the Vial of Smoke on the table.
Click on lid to releasethe smoke. The flower opens. Now, to do the 'one more step'.Go outside, climb the hill to the tree stump and shake-click on the tree bythe tree stump.
It releases seeds that go through the tree stump. Go down tothe cave and pick up the Grain of Life within the shell.Go back to the Mirror house and press the leftmost circle button to get to theAstrology world. Exit through the backdoor.Astrology World: Give the Grain of Life to theAstrologer.
The grain needs to be cleaned. Then place it on the 5 dragon stand.When it glows it is ready to be transformed to Star Dust.Clean the grain - Turn around and go to the shelvesacross the room. Take the vial of liquid on top right shelf. Take thepot with plants at the middle bottom shelf and click on the book to find a clue.The journal has the drawing now.Go to the device right of theAstrologer. Place the grain at the center of the top holed holder. Place the pot ofplants on the table. Place the vial of liquid on the top holder on the right.
Clickon the vial of liquid and watch the grain gets cleaned. Take the Grain of Lifewithout the shell.5 dragon stand - Go to the table left of the Astrologerand take 2 Dragon statues. Go to the ornate 5 dragon stand.
Place the 2 dragonson the empty pedestal. Place the cleaned Grained of Life at the center of thedevice. Watch the dragons charge the Grain of Life. Pick up the charged Grainof Life.Show the charged Grain of Life to the Astrologer.
He says to align theplanets upstairs. Climb the spiral staircase.
On the wall, see the 4 icons seenin the journal drawing. When pressed, the dumbbell moves once from the start, the squaremoves 2 spaces away from start, triangle moves 3 spaces away from start and the asterisk is4 spaces away.

Go outside through the door beside the icons on the wall. Look close at the Planetpuzzle.Planet puzzle - Place the Charged Grain of Life onthe vase at top center of the puzzle. This activates the puzzle. Watch.The object of the puzzle is to properly place the planet balls in the holders.There are 3 balls that are preset tobe placed on specific slots. Based on the numbering on the graphic below: Ball 1can only be placed on slot 1, ball 6 can only be placed on slot 6 and ball 8 canonly be placed on slot8.The clue on the journal shows thematching pairs. The clue on the wall in the next room shows how far apart thematching pairs are from each other. The dumbbell pair is one space apart, thesquare pair is 2 spaces apart, the triangle pair is 3 spaces apart and theasterisk pair are 4 spaces apart.Dumbbell pair:Preset placed ball 1 is one space away from its matching ball 2 at slot 2.Triangle pair:Preset placed ball 6 is three spaces away from its matching ball 3 at slot 3.Asterisk pair:Preset placed ball 8 is four spaces away from its matching ball 4 at slot 4.Square pair: Ball 7 and 5 is 2 spaces away from each other.
Placement was trialand error. Click on the central button and watch. Take the Star Dust.
Go back tothe Mirror house.Children's World: At theMirror house, press the button on the rightmost gold circle and exit through the back door.Children: Go forward and enter the door on the left. See some children's drawing on thewall. Note the drawing left of the closed door. It has a pinwheel of pink,green, red, blue and yellow colors. Take the magical pyramid fromthe table on the left.
See a baby's bed. Take glowing fang - yellow fromone of the gold trays right side of the room. Exit the house andcontinue our travels.While strolling down the path, take the glowing fang - pink from the pink lamp on theleft, glowing fang - green from the green lamp on the right, glowingfang - red from the red lamp on the left and glowing fang - blue fromthe blue lamp on the right.
Look close at the stand at the end of the path withshimmering light above it.Fang puzzle - Based on the children's drawing inside the house place theglowing fangs - starting from one o'clock position: pink, green, red, blue andyellow fangs. Double check the placement of pink and red fangs. If correctlyplaced, see the shimmer enter the cave.Enter the cave, go forward twice, pan leftand forward. Pick up the teddy bear.
Go back to the children's house. Place theteddy bear on the empty baby's bed. Exit the house and then go back in.Talk to the blond girl. Follow the girl through the door. Take the left pathand reach the water's edge. Look around and see a hovering bird.
Talk to thechildren. The boy wants you to ask the bird to sing. Go to the bell and ring thechimes to hear it.Crystals: Go back through the tunnel passing the wayto the children's house and forward until the green pool. Thepath goes left to a bed of crystals and to the right to go around the pool.Go left to the crystals and place the magical pyramid on the indentation onthe rock just below the crystals.
Take-click on crystal left of thepyramid. Take the magical pyramid again.Take the right way from the main path, look down and see green sludge flowlike waterfall. Place the magical pyramid to block the flow and see thegreen sludge rise close to 3 crystals across the pool. This act also lowered thegreen pool and a bridge is now seen. Go back and cross the bridge. Go close tothe 3 crystals and see pink stalactites above it. Turn right, forward and takethe magical pyramid that blocked the flow of the green sludge.
This lowers thegreen sludge from the crystals.Go back to the crystals and see a small platform. Pan left from here and goforward-down to 2 pumpkin-like things that plank a crystal. Place the crystal ininventory on the crystal between the pumpkins. See the plant below revive. Takemagical branch from the plant.Go back to the crystals under pink stalactites. Place magical branch on theplatform.
Place the magical pyramid on the green waterfall to dam it again.Watch the stalactites drop something on the magical branch covered by greensludge. Take the magical pyramid again.
Go back to the crystals and pick up themagical dust from the platform. Dam the green flow with the magicalpyramid again and cross the bridge. The magical pyramid cannot be taken anymore.Go back to the children by the water's edge. Across from the children is abed of blue plants. Place the magical dust on the plant. The plant grows andthrows dust to the sky. The bell starts to chime and supposedly the bird should startto sing (I didn't hear it).
Go to the bell and click on it. It will nowbe in inventory.Go back to the Mirror house and go to the last world.Magical World:At the Mirror house, press the button on the second(pink) from the rightmost circle and exit through the back door.Go forward and take the left path (the right path gets you killed bywarriors). This path has a cave on the left, stone platform on the left and a dried plantblocking the way at the end of the path. Note that there is a leaf on the lefton the ground by a big rock. This is a clue.Unblocking the way:Go back and enter the cave on the left. Go forward untilthe way is blocked by vines.
Pan left and pick up the stick.Go out ofthe cave. Continue on the left until a stone platform. See that the 3 middlestones on the post are active. Use the stick on the stones. The platform fallsdown allowing light to enter the cave and the vines blocking inside the cave disappears.Go back to the cave andnow the path is cleared. Go forward until the waterfall which blocks the way.Click the leaf taken from the spirit world on the waterfall to get leaf with water.Go back outside to thedried plant blocking the end of the main path. Use the leaf with water on thedried plant.
It revives to make a way to the top. Climb up.Turn left and see alog. Click on the stone holding the log on the left.
See a cutscene of the logtilting and possibly diverting the water flow.Teleportation-Gong Courtyard: Go back to the cave and at the end, thewaterfall is not there. Go through and out to a courtyard with intricate postsand a gong.
Each post has a red holder at the base. DO NOT HIT THE GONG - OR YOUDIE!
Beside the gong is a set of drums 4 each of 4 colors - blue, green,yellow and red. Click on them to hear the sound they make.Warriors teleported - In front of the gong is a stand with gems at the base. Take theblue, green, red and yellow teleportation crystals.
Place the crystals onthe red holders at the base of each post. They will get clamped only on theposts that need it - blue, red, green and yellow. Click the button on theteleportation stand and see a teleportation bubble form. Maybe we can getthose pesky warriors get transported somewhere else.Hit the gong, turn around andimmediately press the button on the transportation stand - The warriors shouldstill be on the other path and have not reached the courtyard. I wonder where theywent to.Drum-crystal puzzle - Goforward and see a giant crystal with 4 sides. Each side has 4 circles.
Click oneach circle and hear a sound. Look down and see a color at the base. Do this toall the sides. Each side has the same sound but different colors. Where did wehear that clunk sound?Go back to the drums. Click on eachcolor and note which drums have the same clunk sound as the circles on the giantcrystal. Go back to the crystal.
Highlight(gray circle) or clickonly on the position shown by the drums that has the clunk sound. To change thecolor of the highlighted back to white (unselected) - click on it again. BlueGreenYellowRed1clunkclunk2clunkclunk3clunk4clunkIf done correctly, the crystal disappears to make the Symbol of theMagical World.Go back to the Mirror house. See that each mirror is now activated. Go back outthrough the backdoor.Assembling the Sacred Artifacts and the Sacred Rings-Tetrahedron:Enter a chamber with 4 mirrors on the wall and a central one at the end of thechamber. At the center are 4 holders.Place the different Sacred Symbolstaken from the different worlds in specific order based on the placement of themirrors in the Mirror House with your back to the entrance.Facing the stairs on the opposite side, with back to the exit door -Place Bell onthe left and Star Dust on the right.With the stairs on your back andfacing the exit door - Place Magical worldsymbol on the left and Grail on the right. Watch.With your back to the stepstake the newly formed Sphere within the Tetrahedron.Climb the steps and place the Tetrahedron within the Rings on the stand to becombined with the sphere with tetrahedron forming Assembled Rings.Go back to the Mirror house and exit to go to the airship.
Pull the lever andfly to our final destination.Island of UnityGo forward, turn left and open the dome. Click on theshimmering light and the bridgecomes up.Go forward and finally meet Grifit.Grifit tells you to go through the latest gate found by theClan Leaders. Thiswill prevent Durad from getting hold of the Combined Sacred Rings andTetrahedron of Dragast and Na-Tiexu.Watch Durad and Arkampus. Theyfollowed the travels of Umang through the unknown Amulet in inventory!Watch the arrival of Durad and thedeparture of Umang.Thisdocument may not be distributed without express written permission of the authorand the content may not be altered in any way.ForQuestions or Comments on this Walkthrough,Write to:Copyright © 7/2004.
Balmoral SoftwarePC Game Walkthroughs and ReviewsWARNING:These pages contain explicit instructionsfor solving game puzzles.