Guild Wars 2 is the most popular free to play MMORPG on the entire market right now and offers some of the most unique, most perfected systems in an MMORPG to date. Guild Wars 2 continues to set the bar for free to play MMORPGs with how high quality the game is and the regular updates to content that players receive.
About the game: Title: Guild Wars 2 Status: Released Genre: Developer: ArenaNet Publisher: NCSoftGuild Wars 2 represents ArenaNet’s attempt to turn convention on its ears and create an engaging game for players of all skill levels and play styles. It does away with typical things like the holy trinity (tank, healer, DPS) and eschews traditional group mechanics for open-world content, which anyone can join in on without hampering other players’ efforts. Even crafting nodes are shareable; there’s no competition for resources or other rewards.Guild Wars 2 offers several different types of gameplay. In addition to the open-world content, there’s structured PvP, which pits teams of five players against each other, and World vs.
World, a series of open-world PvP maps where players fight over castles and other fortified (and un-fortified) spots to bring their home world to victory. Characters are autoleveled to 80 in each case, so you can jump right in and start enjoying these parts of the game immediately (though the free-to-play version of the game does have its limitations).ArenaNet is committed to a “no grind” philosophy for Guild Wars 2, in terms of gear progression.
Top-tier stat gear is relatively easy to get, and the high-end gameplay typically revolves around acquiring new and different skins to customize your character’s look, rather than to simply provide bigger stat bonuses. This applies to the expansions, too, which ArenaNet has said will never raise the level cap above 80, making the game easy to jump into for both new players and those who have come back to the game after a long absence. If you don’t care about finishing the storylines then this game is pretty good. When I mean not finishing the storylines; I mean its impossible to.The difficulty is boardline impossible at times without people helping. When you do complete the storyline quest your rolling the dice on if the game will accept your prayers in letting you hand it in as (Not just myself complaining about this) you have an extremely high probability of getting disconnected from the server.
Something to do with entering a cinema the server doesn’t like and it will kick out off. By kicking you off you sadly can’t simply just join back on and carry on where you were. You have to start all over again. Which in some cases is 30 mins of progression lost.Completing maps, crafting, exploring and PVP are what you’d be playing the game for. Complete enough of the storyline to get some of your mounts and glider but other than that I wouldn’t bother. Which is sad because I personally enjoy the storyline. Game is great, but support staff is atrocious.
Really, fundamentally awful, bullheaded, and disgustingly rude. I am appalled by how disgustingly incompetent and incredibly rude the customer service staff is. My support ticket has been replied to by three separate support staffers and each one has been horribly rude.
The support staff, GM Brocco, GM Your Highness, and GM Nasser, are a joke The game? But after this experience I will NEVER be spending money on expansions or the gem store again. Loved Guild Wars 1, and still occasionally play it now. But GW2 never gripped me in the same way, so played for only 80 hours.
Fast forward 5 years, and I thought I’d give GW2 another go, especially with new content packs. Still a beautiful looking game, but still doesn’t grip me in any way. GW1 was balanced perfectly for those who loved multiplayer, or those who preferred PvE with henchmen. GW2 just seems soulless in comparison, unless you can get online with a lot of friends at the same time (not easy as you get older).
That said, can appreciate I’m in a minority so that’s only my opinion. GW1 to me still stands as the superior game, and many more options for skills and character development.
A shame they took everything great about GW1 and threw it away, and developed a beautiful but far more shallow game. Been read all those stupid hatters comment 😛 funny and stupid.
Don’t take anything from them. They are a bunch of stupid players who want a free game with tons of great items so they can have fun without paying anything ROFLMAO. I would say to those, keep dreaming 😀For you who really looking for a good game, just read reviews, watch its videos so you can see the game before you try yourself (because most of them are gigabytes). And if you think you gonna try, give it a try and decide yourself.GW2 as it short for Guild Wars 2, I’ve been playing this game for several years. Yes, I bought it, and yes I bought its expansion too:D.
That’s what I said, if you looking for a good game, get them from who bought it 😀 I bought them and I never regret till today.Nothing’s perfect. Absolutely many rooms for improvement which the developers been doing that for years. So I have no complain (not as haters on comments did here lol), and enjoy all these years experiencing the game.Cheers 😀PS: I put name as my main char in GW2 which I stay on JQ server for now 😀.
I come back to GW2 quite often and restart a character. Typical for me, as I forget how to play classes due to extended periods away.No idea why people are crying about it so much. It’s possibly one of THE best F2P games out there. Literally a truckload of content FOR FREE with very few restrictions (at least that I’ve come across, although I have yet to get into crafting properly), that will take quite a while to complete if you take your time with it and just enjoy yourself rather than race to the end (something I personally find boring).Don’t listen to the nay-sayers. Regardless of locked content, blah blah, it’s still worth playing. There’s a lot of hate on here for GW2, but I really don’t think there should be.To give you an idea of my bias: I played the first game for 4-5 years, and starting playing GW2 as soon as it was released.
I pre-ordered it (the only game I’ve ever done that for) and immediately started playing it the beginning of my freshman year in college.I loved it in the beginning. Comments like these never get taken seriously. Just cause you say pay to win doesn’t make it Pay to win. In fact there is nothing in the game that you can Buy that will make you win.At max level you can do just fine inFractalsRaidsPvPWvWin exotic armor and weapons with 36 gold spent total that took you a few hours to get. All the PvP in this game doesn’t account for what gear you have to win you the match.Everyone is placed on an even field Skill is all that matters in PvPIn WvW, the armor set and rune set you take determines how effective you are but with a quick 5 minute search anyone can again spend less than 40 gold to be set with the proper gear.You can take someone with a Piece of Exotic gear and weapons and face them off against the person with ascended armor and weapons and the person with Ascended only has an 8% more change to kill you. Legendary weapons and gear offer no better stats that exotics other than the skins are a lot cooler.
LOl not sure what your talking about the Free model has restrictions for the first few days, after that you can experience all of the Initial Game for free, you will have to pay for HoT ( Heart of thorns, to gain access to the revanant class. You will have to reach a certain level before your able to get to Lions Arch and or do WvW. But other than gated content that doesn’t matter if you get there at level 30 or 10 there is no other the person that says Cosmetics cost IRL currency is obviously not played the game long, you can go through and never spend one bit of IRL currency for cosmetics, since you can convert game gold to Gems and visa versa. There is Gated content to help keep the gold seller problem to a minimum, and it is virtually not there, unlike in WoW when you’re spammed it every 5 seconds as it would seem. That is 100% wrong and a great assumption.The Devs made GW2 free to play 3 months after the Launch of Heart of Thorns, this was not a plee for help it was a thanks to players for the support and a way to make it easier for newer players to get into the game.
More than likely you will see a heavy hand of discount with HoT a few months after Path of Fire PoF drops.Look at any other game that has Actual expansions out there, you will spend close to 100 dollars to get into the game. GW2 cost a new player 30 dollars right now with purchasing HoT. And 30 dollars if they purchase PoF. Which can be played separately with out having to have the previous Expansion in the game.Then again they may just keep the Expansion price tag at 30 since it is not needed to play the most current content. This game is dying rapidly in player base. Already F2P with cash shop, instant lvl 80, PvE and WvW server merges, recycled content yearly. There is no vision and only one original developer left.
Anet has a scam with server transfers which costs gems so they purposely play around and favor other servers to kill others so they are forced to transfer for WvW benefits. This game has been around for more than half a decade and its time for it to die out.I have been playing since closed beta and have seen the MANY stupid changes and some good ones. But mostly bad horrible decisions. Most of their think tank comes from the players which do not know how to run a software company or have beneficial ideas in the long run. Honestly I feel your right. I think the server transfers should be free but I think costing a small fee seems legit because knowing how idiotic people are somehow it could be abused.
If people can prove they won’t abuse it then I say the server transfers should be free and by abusing it I mean by transferring constantly. I tried this game and quit after a few hours the game didn’t have many people in the world and the game just didn’t have the fun or excitement from the tutorial. It was all boring BS and when I got into the world it was just repetitive to me.
Skylanders battlecast eruptor card. I also disliked the way the camera and the controls worked. I get they need money but I’m not gonna buy each expansion they decide to release I’m done pouring money into MMO games I been ripped off one to many times by certain companies. Especially this one indie dev company who is deep in debt with very little playerbase in nearly all their games. But the cash shop is seems odd I thought guild wars 2 was buy 2 play not paid 2 win?
This game seems like they are in it mostly for the money now like most MMOs nowadays and making stupid changes no one wants like nearly everybody else is inside and outside of the gaming industry. But like I said if it’s proven the server transfers can’t be abused by using it 2 frequently or often by the same people I guess I can support free server transfers. Been playing this since it went FtP and a year later I am still happy and playing. FtP does have some restrictions but not enough to cause you any problems.
So much to do, graphics are great, good selection of different styles of play, good crafting system, areas are filled with players so what more can you ask for from a free game? I’ve crafted Ascended items and they take a while to do as you have to level up the skill and get the req’d materials so you feel you’ve achieved something but Exotic items are pretty easy to get and they are all you need to play the games hardest bosses. I will upgrade to HoT, not because I have to but because I want to as I feel the publisher deserves some money for allowing me to play this game for so long and have so much fun with it. The game is hardly ever down for maintenance and if theres not many people on your map it pops up with a message offering you to change to an instance of the same map with more people on it.I’ve played a LOT of games and this one truly is a standout one. Download it and I am sure you wont be dissapointed you did. Large download but trust me its worth it. I love this game so much!!!
I love the deep character personalize ability in this game. The race you choose determines your own story, but you can also fine-tune it to what best suits your envision of a perfect game-play and your characters traits. I completely adore the jumping puzzles and secrets hidden around the map.
The original GW is great, but I never could have even THOUGHT of a spin-off like this one! I enjoy the humor, creativity and excitement this game gifted to me. One of my favorite parts about the game is that even if you get bored with doing regular quests you have other options!You can choose to do PvP or Wvw to spice up your combat abilities! You could hook up with your friends and conquer some difficult dungeons! You may also take some time to truly enjoy the graphics of the game with some map completion. Overall my experience with the game has been extraordinary and I can’t wait to see how this game shall progress in the future.
Guild Wars 2 is definitely one of the best MMOs you can find that’s F2P. It has great combat, great story, even doing map completion is engaging.
You can play with almost the best gear without having to grind at all. Any grinding you do will be to make ascended equipment to do high level fractals (essentially a small part of the endgame). If you play alone like a Kirito-wannabe, sure, you’ll get bored. This is a game meant to be enjoyed with friends and a guild.Try not to listen to the people whining about a lack of endgame content, because the same people whine in every other MMO about the same thing. HoT now gives you plenty of endgame content, and with recent updates WvW is nice and alive once more. Oh, word of advise about TERA. Go for the EnMasse (NA) server, even if you are in the EU or surrounding countries.
Provided your connection is fairly decent, lag won’t ever be an issue (wasn’t for me over months of playing) and the overall quality of the game is far better than the Gameforge version.You can see by the posts and community interaction, that EnMasse actually care about their game and I’ve never, ever had any trouble with them.Gameforge on the other hand. Nothing more need be said about them lol. This is the absolute perfect MMO for me. I see a lot of people complaining about the end game content, or rather, the lack thereof, and i can see their point.
For me, on the other hand, that is perfect. I don’t have to keep working on the same character once i reach the top, just to see everything. I’m not a typical mmo player. I like to see an ending, and then quit there. For me, this is a game that i now downloaded for FREE, and which gave me a shit ton of fun hours to do everything i wanted to do in it. I love this game Myself and my Partner have been playing this for 2 and a bit years and we love it and we have referred friends to it who cant walk away from the game!There are a lot of customization options from looks and armor to weapons and even the runes and sigils, the trait line for each class is also very versatile.
The PVP and WVW aspects of the game are amazing fun! Ongoing public events and an evolving story line that affects the world around you, Massive world bosses are abundant with epic battles! You will never run out of things to do alone or as a group! If your looking for something to get you excited this game is for you! Cant Wait For The HEART OF THORNS Expansion!
I played the first Guild Wars and now Guild Wars 2 for a long time. GW2 is a lot of fun. But the end game is extremely stagnate. Once you’ve done everything you want to accomplish like making ascended armor or a legendary and getting 100% map complete, there just isn’t a ton to do.End game choices:World Vs. World (Dead on quite a few servers, make sure you pick a good one)Random Arena PVP (ranked or non-ranked)Dungeons (fun at first, later repetitive, awful, and terrible loot)Farming Silverwastes (repetitive, boring)Daily Quests (boring after a while, done quickly)World Bosses (crappy loot, boring too after done a lot)A lot of it can be great fun for a bout a year or a year and a half.
But after that you start getting extremely bored of everything. I’m hoping the new expansion will help. I’ve been playing since launch 3 years ago and would like to give a big welcome to all new players.Gw2 is something different from other mmo’s, you might think the game is “easier”, a grind to lvl 80 or repetitive questing. Some people say its fun untill lvl 30 which at that point you will quit.I challange you to get in and really enjoy the game. With veteran players like myself. There is no other game which allows veteran players to really play with newcomers like gw2.That’s what gw2 is, fun, social, beautifull, challenging and lots more.
See you ingame!
I absolutely despise online environments where people can talk openly. Combined with anonymity and lack of consequences this usually brings out the worst in people and it's almost impossible to ignore creating a toxic, fearful and hostile environment.As a casual player of Guild Wars 2 since beta in 2012, I have seen none of this here. The community is helpful at best, and 'meh' at worse, but thankfully you can have a fun and engaging experience in Guild Wars 2 without engaging in the community at all.The delightful mechanics around Guild Wars 2 involve being able to quest with everyone without ever saying a word. You basically roam the world and quest 'hearts', events, group-events, and discoveries automatically pop up on your display as you get closer. The requirements for all these events are laid out nicely and there are a variety of things you can do for each heart quest.While discoveries, events and group-events are single minded (defend this group, destroy this uber monster, etc) the heart quests are different. The heart quests are static quests that only can be completed once, and you complete the quest by performing one of a handful of activities.For example, one heart may be simply titled 'Assist Farmer Soandso', and you can accomplish this by tending crops, entertaining cows (yes), weeding out worms in the pasture, or defending the farm from bandits.
Players can do any one of these tasks, or all of them to fill the status bar for the quest until it's filled, then you get experience and karma (another currency) for the assistance, and then you can move on to the next heart quest.You can even be helped by other players doing the same quest, and you can help them, all without saying a word, simply jump in and help them where you can, everyone gets credit, there's no 'stealing' XP or quest accomplishments from anyone. There's no grouping requirements, or any expectations of continued comradery once the quest is complete, everyone moves on to their next goal.I have 2 characters at level 80 (max level) and 3 at 60+. I have been all over the world and seen most of everything, the violence in this game is very flamboyant. Your character swings swords and axes wildly and you do damage, but no blood or wounds appear. And enemies die glamorously as they flail about before falling over, again no blood. And the death sounds they make are over the top, and sometimes laughable.

The only questionable violence I have see is during the Charr racial opening cinematic, their race is all about war but the game activities and actions you do playing as their race are no different than any others.The only concern I have with Guild Wars 2 are the armors used on female light-armor avatars. They can be quite revealing, sexual in nature, but they don't reveal any more than you can be exposed to on the beach. That's not to say it is a concern, it is, but I feel it's more of a point of conversation at exposure.Anyways, Guild Wars 2 is a fantastic game to play, even solo. The story is great, the characters are engaging and the world is a delight to explore! Plus it's FREE. You can enjoy the base game without spending any money.
Afterwards you can buy the expansions which is storied content for lvl 80 characters, currently you can get both expansions plus future 'living world' content for $30, a fantastic deal. I have been playing MMOs for over a decade, and this is by far my favorite. Beautiful graphics and rich story telling (lore). The game has excellent PvP and PvE experiences. PvP is one area that parents should closely monitor on any game, as this tends to be where most negative interactions will occur. With GW2, World vs.
World is an excellent source of PvP fun that does not lead to some of the downsides that can occur. There is still regular, instanced PvP. But there is no open world PvP. Again, as a parent this is a good thing, in my view. The game does have many cosmetic things to buy, but is fairly affordable to play. You can play for free, but even if you buy the full game. You do not have to pay a monthly subscription cost afterwards.
The most important aspect of GW2, is that it is not an endless time sink. This is where other MMOs really are not recommended for children, or anyone else in school. GW2 strikes a good balance of quality game play and time invested. This game is definitely my top pick for families wanting to find an MMO for their children.
Positive Messages: This game encourages cooperation. The heroes are those who help others, who defend the weak and help those in need, and who do what is best even when it is not in their own best interest. There is a lot of positive emphasis on education, preserving and respecting the environment and honoring military service. There is also emphasis on how each of us has a part to play to use our talents to the best of our ability to do what we can to make the world a better place.Positive Role Models: The characters who are held up to be revered and respected are those who serve and protect their community.
They value honesty, honor, hard work and personal sacrifice in the service of the common good. They believe in using your gifts and talents for the good of others and not merely for your own selfish gain.Ease of play: The complexity doesn't really increase as your level increases - once you've opened up all all 10 skill slots across the bottom of the screen, that's all of the buttons that you have to press. What is complex is choosing trait lines and gear to optimize your stats - but this is a level of detail that the casual player does not really need to delve into in order to enjoy the game. If someone did want to tailor their character to this level of complexity, the game does have a wiki, and there are plenty of community-based guides. In addition to this, because it is a cooperative community, as opposed to competitive, there is plenty of help from other players.Violence: You do fight in this game - that is pretty standard in any story-line that includes a battle of good vs. There is no gore.
When a character is defeated, they collapse the ground as if unconscious and then disappear. There are quests that are fantasy exaggerations of acts most would consider acceptable in 'real life' such at those to save dogs from spiders, to put grub repellent on grubs in gardens and to save people from swarms of mosquitoes around lamp posts. There are also elements of the game that are not related to fighting, like crafting and puzzles.
Most of the fighting is done against NPCs (non-player characters that are part of the game's construction), but there are designated realms to fight against other players. Because there is no gore, and because the bulk of the fighting is defensive or in defense of others, I would give less weight to this violence rating. It could probably be lower.Sex: There is no sexual activity in this game.
The player does not engage in romantic relationships with NPCs. There is no nudity. The player's armor/clothing can be stripped down to the equivalent of a modest bathing suit.Language: The review cites language used, but I've never seen it. I did some research to try to find where it was in the game to see if they had edited the dialog in an update, but I was unable to find any reference to it other than reviews saying it is there. Before seeing the reviews I would have said there was no profanity at all, so it is obviously not pervasive in the dialog. As for profanity or coarse language from the community at large, is option in the settings to add a profanity filter to the chat in order to filter out profanity from other players.
You can also filter the chat by layers. For example, I usually turn off the Map level chat and leave only my Guild and Party chat. This way, I can see what my friends are saying without having to see a bunch of chatter from strangers. This rating should be lower.Consumerism: There is no subscription fee. After the initial purchase of the game, you do not need to invest any 'real money' into the game. There is a working economy within the game through an in-game trading network.
You can buy cosmetic items and upgrades, and you can, but do not need to use real money to purchase them. Currency is earned by helping others and completing missions. Players can also earn other types of currency (tokens, badges, karma, laurels, etc.) from dungeons daily completion and that function as currency with special vendors.
There is also a bank where you can store the money that you earn on each character. The economy within the game provides an opportunity for children to learn about managing money - saving, buying and selling. The trading network also tracks the comparative price between gems and gold coins which is a great introduction to the concept of currency exchange.
This is a learning opportunity that was not identified and given adequate weight. A lesson on how to save up for the things that you want is very important in today's debt-laden society.Drinking, drugs & smoking: This rating is too high.
It is an element to be aware of if alcoholism is a sensitive topic on your family or if drinking is something that you feel very strongly about, but this game is not teaching children that it is a good to go out and get drunk. There is a drinking mini-game, and your character can drink alcohol, but it is not a central part of the game.
It is not necessary to the story-line or to any quest, and your character is never forced to drink alcohol. There are instances of NPCs drinking in this game; however, drunkenness is presented in a negative light.
Your character can break pirates' rum bottles to keep them from drinking more, wake up passed out patrons, and talk down drunken patrons to stop a fight. None of these tasks are required to complete the achievement (they are just elements along with other possible tasks). While some parents might choose to avoid this content, this can also be a teaching opportunity. This is a point in the game where your character is a good role model trying to help people in trouble, and there's nothing glamorous about a Norn passed out in the snow.Privacy & Safety: This rating should be lower.
You use an account character name (not your real name) and your real-life information is in no way ever displayed to the gaming community. Being part of a guild is encouraged as part of the social and cooperative play aspect of the game, but it is not required.
When a player is part of a guild, they are not required to reveal any personal information. The guild members see your account character name (not your real name) and the name, profession and level of your character currently or last logged in. There is no sanctioned forced exchange of players' personal information within the game. Voice communication within guilds is done using third-party software that is not part of Guild Wars 2.
The game gives the player every opportunity to maintain their privacy and safety. Whether or not your privacy is maintained is completely up to you. I have played the game myself and I can positively say that the game is 100% gore-less and the humanoids you 'kill' are knocked out when you kill them. If you say this is 14 and up than you must say that any Pokemon game is 14 and up. In Pokemon and in Guild Wars 2 you 1. Attack other people and animals with lights, sparkles and special effects and 2. Knock other players and humans out to defeat them.
The combat is in no way violent enough to get an age rating higher than 7 much less a ridiculous 13. There are one or 2 times where you compete in a drinking game, however this hardly endorses alcohol and certainly does not constitute a level 4 of the Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking section. Sadly, I can no longer trust Common Sense Media due to this review and will have to find another source for safe, sensible media choices for my children.