
Moving the pipes in a certain way allows you to transport the substance to the right place.After that you must interact with the altar and select the second dialog option. Your goal is to move the pipes in a such way that will allow Blessed Blood, Blessed Fire and Blessed Water to go up to the right containers. Then, you must interact with the altar again and select the third dialog option. If everything was done properly then you will unlock a hidden entrance. If you have problems with this puzzle, you can watch the attached video that shows the solution.

Mar 24, 2010  'A Sense of Disorientation' by Kirill Pokrovsky. Thieves' Guild music from the Divine Divinity Soundtrack. Download can be found through She tried to steal a summoning book for Corinna but was caught by the Thieves Guild. By 1300 AD, not only has she had a child of her own, but also a granddaughter, Antumbra. Interactions with player character Edit.

Page 1Steve's Guide to Divine Divinity(A Divine Divinity walkthrough)Last updated: 16th April, 2003IntroductionDivine Divinity is a classic fantasy RPG, with a great soundtrack and afair dose of humour thrown in. Fighting-wise it plays something like Diablo,and quest-wise something like Baldur's Gate.

You won't be finishing it in ahurry either. My first run through took me nearly 100 hours!ConventionsOnce again, I've chosen to eschew that handy yet game spoiling Table ofContents. OK, so this Guide is loaded with outright spoilers anyway, but Itry not to ruin all the fun right up front by providing you with a listing ofall the important locations you will visit.

If you're looking for referencesto a particular location, person, weapon, etc., then just search for it inyour browser.Directions are given assuming that the top of your screen is north, andthe longer direction names are abbreviated, like SW for southwest.TipsBefore you even THINK about starting to play, download and apply thelatest 'hot fix' (version 1.0032 at the time of writing), which may beobtained here on the official Divine Divinity site: can play as either a Warrior, Survivor (cross between a rogue and athief), or a Wizard. Since you can freely choose skills from any class, Iwould recommend that you play as a Warrior the first time through, making useof Wizard spells like Freeze to augment your combat abilities, and Survivorskills like Lockpick to get you past locked doors and chests. As with mostRPGs, playing as a pure Wizard is the hardest, especially in the early stagesof the game when your character is relatively weak.

Anyway, it's your call.Being able to choose skills from other classes means that you can buildliterally any kind of character you please!Save your game before talking to each shopkeeper for the very firsttime, or before opening a locked cupboard or chest. Reason being. Theitems you'll buy or find are RANDOMLY GENERATED each time. Those of you withmuch patience can keep reloading until you get the items you want! And youshould also save the game before you have shopkeepers identify items for you.An item is usually worth more after it's identified, but if it's not worthmore than the cost of identification, you just lost some money:-(Remember to save after every battle, or even partway through a reallytough one when you've made significant progress.

There's nothing worse thantraversing a large area, fighting five tough battles along the way, thenhaving to do it all over again because you got killed in the sixth battlewithout having a prior save!There are a few 'killer' skills in this game, that make it possible todefeat even the toughest creatures. You would be well advised to have atleast one of them in your repertoire, though using them too often can makethe game too easy:. Freeze - immobilises your enemies for 3 seconds per level of the spell. Poison Weapon - poison on a weapon gets them every time with only a fewblows. Deadly Gift - a single death scorpion released from a scorpion trap cantake out nearly anything that moves.It's not immediately obvious how to pick up or drop a partial amount ofitems that are stacked.

For instance, say you have 12 scorpion traps togetherin your inventory, and you want to drop 6 of them to lighten your load. Whatyou do is: drag them out of your inventory, then before you drop them on theground, hold down the Ctrl key. When you then drop them, you will get a panelallowing you to select just how how many you want to drop. Of course, theprocess works the same for picking things up: hold down the Ctrl key whiledragging the items into your inventory.It's also not obvious how to use scorpion traps and trail bombs. You firstneed to take at least one level of the Survivor skill Deadly Gift.

Then whenyou select that skill and right-click, you'll get a choice of which type ofitem to use (based on what's currently in your inventory). Click on the itemtype to use, then the next time you right-click, an item of the type you chosewill be deployed.Another skill worth having is the Warrior's Enchant Weapon skill. Once youhave at least one level of this skill, when you click on an equipped weaponor piece of armour that can be charmed, you'll see how many free charm slotsthat item has. You can then drag charms from your inventory into a free charmslot.

Be careful about applying powerful charms to not particularly powerfulitems that you are likely to ditch later on, because there's no way to reclaimthe charms from items you no longer have equipped.Even though there is a specialised Survivor skill that you can use topoison arrows, you can also just as easily use the Poison Weapon skill topoison any bow or crossbow! It's handy to have a decent ranged weapon earlyon in the game for taking on enemies that can kill you with a single blowshould they get too close.You need at least 2 levels of Alchemy skill before you can drop flasksonto mushrooms to make potions. Alchemy is a skill well worth having, as itsaves you having to buy potions all the time.Make an effort to find the various teleporters scattered throughout theland, and the scrolls that activate those that belong to each race. Theteleporter I used most was the one behind the Ars Magicana shop, as there areseveral nice shops in that immediate area that you can use to identify andtrade valuable items that you find.

Early on in the game, a wizard will giveyou a map of the teleporters. Study it carefully, because it gives you a verygood idea of the layout of the entire kingdom. Don't worry though. I'll tellyou where you can find the activation scrolls for each race's teleporters,and will also provide the locations of the most important teleporters:-)You should use the blue flags to mark places of interest, especially inthe first village until you get used to finding your way around.

Also usefulin dungeons for marking exits from each level, etc. Be sure to make use ofthe mini-map too.

Stick it in any corner of your screen, and it will alertyou to approaching monsters, as well as helping you to run quickly throughareas that you've already visited.Well, that's probably enough of the up-front stuff for now. Bring on thedemons!AlerothYou find yourself next to a bed in someone's basement. You'll be comingback here a lot to rest, a much more economical way to restore health andmana than by quaffing potions! Pick up the Minor Health Potion from the tableto your right, then go upstairs and grab the Worn Dirk off the table. There'salso a Minor Health Potion on a table in the room to the east. When you walkinto the room to the west, Joram, one of the Aleroth healers, starts speakingto you.

If you pursue all the conversation paths, you'll get Quest 1 below.In the graveyard in the north part of Aleroth, there's a grave with abronze key on it. This key opens the house just NE of Joram's. Move the boxesthere to reveal a hatch. In the cellar, when you approach the locked vase inthe centre, Jake the zombie (yup, that was his grave) will appear.

I managedto kill him with a high level 2 character using a dirk that gave meAssassin's Kiss. If you can do this, it's worth a whole lot of XP and willtake you nearly to level 4! You can always wait till a littlelater on to tackle Jake if he's too tough for you now.There's a locked house all the way in the NE part of Aleroth. The door ison the east side. The key is in a barrel next to the door. You can sleep inthe bed there, but why bother as you've already got the use of the one inJoram's cellar?

You can gain entrance to the cellar here through a hatch.Just a few barrels down there. I happened to find some scorpion traps in one.When you first attempt to leave Aleroth, Seth will stop you.

See Quest 11below.Quests-1. Restore Mardaneus' sanity - 11000 XP and Reputation +3.You get this quest by talking to Joram at the very start of the game. Itseems that the healer Mardaneus may have been possessed by a demon. Indeed,as soon as you exit Joram's house, you witness a cut scene between Lanilor,another of the healers, and Mardaneus, who does seem to be spouting somestrange dialogue.

So, head SW and witness another scene whereby Mardaneusmistakes Lanilor for a demon and casts Freeze on the poor blighter. Younow have Quest 2 as well.2. Rescue Lanilor the elf from his icy prison - 1000 XP.Mardaneus has barred his front door, and rest assured your Lockpick skillsare too lacking at this stage to open it. However, if you enter the woodenwell to the east of Mardaneus' house, you gain entrance to his basement.

Ona wooden box to the south is a bronze key that gets you past the locked doorfurther to the south. Just head SW then, and up the ladder into Mardaneus'house. Speak with him, and it's easier than you think to convince him toreverse the spell on Lanilor. When you speak to Lanilor after he's unfrozen,he'll tell you that he feels the secret to Mardaneus' sanity most likelylies in the catacombs beneath Aleroth (and thus you receive Quest 3).

Aftercompleting this quest, you have the run of Mardaneus' house. There's a keyon the floor of his front room.

It unlocks the chest in the back room,which usually contains a decent weapon or piece of armour.3. Unlock the entrance to the catacombs beneath Aleroth - 1000 XP.The entrance to the catacombs is in the very centre of Aleroth. Lanilor toldyou what to do, but you could easily figure out that you need to rotate all4 dragon statues to the north just by playing with them, because they clickinto place. I wouldn't venture down here until you're at least a level 2character with the best armour and weapon (or spell) you can arm.

And it alsohelps to have one of Lanilor's teleporter pyramids (see Quest 4) with you,the other right near the bed in Joram's basement. You should also probablycomplete Quests 6 and 7, which gives you level 1 Restoration. Anyway, onceyou decide to venture into the catacombs.Catacombs level 1Immediately you enter, to the south, you'll find a book left by Mardaneuswithin a pentagram of candles warning you not to go into the catacombs. On the wall to the north there is a lever that opens the locked doorto the east. Keep wandering until you find another lever that takes youthrough another locked door (there's a locked door before that you will needa special key to get through). Then you get to fight your first skeletons.Next you'll find a blue magic orb, and then a sapphire key (this gets youthrough that door you couldn't unlock earlier, but there's really no need togo back there).

Keep on wandering until you have found 3 magic orbs. Finally,you'll come to a room containing another pentagram of candles. Lighting thecandles summons a skeletal warrior, not too tough to defeat. There's a lockeddoor to the west here, opened by a lever on the north wall. At the end of acorridor after this door, you'll encounter a party of orcs. Talk to theirleader, Smiruk, to obtain Quest 8. From there, continue south.

All the way inthe SW part of this level you will find a large female statue with a booklodged behind it. Read the sad story of Gregar Brock. Lighting the candlethere will summon Gregar, and he makes a tenacious fighting companion with alot of vitality to spare. Don't take him above ground though, or he willinstantly perish (thankfully, above ground does not include your bed inJoram's cellar, where you can teleport to for occasional rest even withGregar in your company). In a room to the north of where you found Gregar,there's a room containing 3 pentagrams. A manuscript there from the evilThelyron tells you what must be done.

Place each of the magic orbs you foundin the centre of a pentagram, and a portal opens up! Going through the portalgets you past a locked door into the next room.

There are 2 stairways there.The one leading up takes you back outside, and you don't want to go thereyet. So, take the stairway that leads down to.Catacombs level 2On this level, the monsters get a bit tougher:-( There are quite a fewaxes lying around with ID level 2, but none of these is Slasher. However,there are two small rooms to the north of this level. The one to the east hasa floor tile in it leads you to Slasher (the broad axe in a room to the SEthat needs ID level 4), but you have to get past a tough skeletal guardianfirst. Take Slasher back to Smiruk, but MAKE SURE you don't have any otheraxes that you want to keep with you because he takes all of them!

He'llidentify Slasher for you using a very novel Identify technique:-) Thiscompletes Quest 8. Of course, you could always hold onto Slasher instead,but it would be quite a while before you'd be able to wield it. Having itidentified by a shopkeeper and then selling it would be a better option. Whenyou're ready to leave this level, the entrance to the next level is in a roomto the NW.Catacombs level 3Well, the book inside the pentagram here says it all. You'll need to openthe 4 outer tombs before you can open the 2 inner ones. Opening each outertomb unleashes quite a few skeletal warriors, and a tough skeletal conjurer,guardian, or a ghoul, so be prepared.

Actually, you can only open ONE of theinner tombs after you've got the 4 outer ones open, and it may be either theleft one or the right one (both still register as 'locked' even after you'veopened the 4 tombs). This had me confused for quite a while. But either onetakes you down to the next level, and that's the important thing.Catacombs level 4This is another sprawling level with little of interest, except to the farSE there's a lever that unlocks a door which leads to. The room whereLanilor's lost teleporter pyramid is/was.

Kill all the skeletal warriors andthen retrieve the pyramid from the room in the NE of this area, if you don'talready have the thing. There's also a portal stone here which takes you backto Mardaneus' basement, but that would only have been useful to you earlieron. In any case, the stairway down to the next level of the catacombs is in aroom to the west of here.Catacombs level 5Yes, this is one HECK of a big dungeon. In the four corners of this levelare sets of pedestals, each with a floor tile in the centre. Through eachfloor tile is a small room containing a tough monster. I used the skillDeadly Gift to release a death scorpion to take on the 2 toughest ones. Wortha lot of XP and treasure.

In the one to the SE, I found a Dragon Amuletamongst some cobwebs. I thought this amulet might be the first piece of thefabled Dragon Armor set. But alas, when identified, it turned out to be anAmulet of Glory. Very valuable nonetheless.The large room in the centre of the level contains the reason you came allthis way. As soon as you enter, a friendly skeleton engages you inconversation, and explains how they have been trying to resurrect their deadmaster for ages, with no success. Of course, this is Thelyron he's talkingabout, the necromancer whose journals you've been finding all over the place.As he demonstrates the ritual they've been performing, it's plain to see thatthe skeleton at the NW lever has.

Abandoned his post. Up to you to take hisplace then, and thus you get Quest 9. Once you've resurrected Thelyron, gotalk to him. At first he seems friendly enough for a deadly necromancer, butthen he suddenly freaks out when he realises that life as a resurrectedzombie is really not all it's cracked up to be. He asks you to kill him, andyou have no choice. As soon as your character does this, all hell breaksloose. Again, I found that releasing a death scorpion or 2 at least keeps thetougher monsters that appear at bay while you pick apart the easier ones.Alternatively, you can just run straight out of the room the way you came in.Mardaneus appears then, and all the creatures die instantly, but you don'tget any of the XP for killing them that way (you also lose out on 2000 bonusquest XP, and a Reputation point).

In either case, a portal appears when youleave the room, and you can take it back to Aleroth. But make sure to go backand pick up all the loot first. You've just solved Quest 1, and so longGregar Brock if he made it this far!4. Find the second teleporter pyramid - 1500 XP.As soon as you open the entrance to the catacombs, Lanilor approaches andhands you a curious artefact. I recommend dropping the pyramid hegives you right there, and going after the other one straight away. To dothis, use Browse skills/Drop and use pyramid.

You wind up in the midst of afew skeletons, but you can always teleport straight back, right? As soon asyou arrive in the room with the skeletons, click and hold on the stone thereand drag it into your inventory. Then run over to the east a few paces, hitthe space bar to give yourself a breather, then Browse skills/Use pyramid.Voila! Right back where you started with both pyramids and 1500 easy XP:-)5. Collect herbs for George - 500 XP.George's shop is located in the SE part of Aleroth. After the initialconversation, he'll ask you to fetch some drudanae for him. When he goes intothe next room to show you, follow him in, then quickly exit and pilfer allthe items from his shop.

The key on top of the cabinet that is in the northpart of the room unlocks the chest. If you get this right, George will notget angry with you, and you've just acquired a whole lot of stuff on thecheap, most notably some Chain Armor. Then head over to Lanilor (west ofJoram's), and ask his permission to take some herbs from his garden, which iswest of his house. When you return to George with the drudanae, he's got thedoor to the next room locked, but you can get in there later on.6.

Find a cure for Verlat - 1500 XP and Reputation +1.Otho the dwarf healer's house is just to the north of Lanilor's. If you keepquizzing him about The Source, he'll tell you of the dilemma whereby thelizard healer Goemoe only has one healing stone left in his shrine, but thereare two wounded soldiers needing a cure. Verlat is Otho's patient, but hewon't tell you where Goemoe's shrine is because he's afraid you'll only saveone of the soldiers.

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Anyway, head for Goemoe's house, which is to the northof George's place. Speak to him and you'll get Quest 7.7.

Find a cure for Simon - 1500 XP, Reputation +1, and level 1Restoration!Hmm. What can you do with only one healing gem? In the house to thenorth of Joram's, you'll find a magic mirror sitting there. A book next tothe mirror explains how to use it. Great, just what we need!

So, go to thehealing shrine located just to the north of Goemoe's house and take the oneremaining healing gem. Then, stand in the middle of the pond that is just tothe south of Goemoe's house, drop the magic mirror in, followed by the gem,and then fish out two gems (the original plus the duplicate). Then go backto Otho's house and give one of the healing gems to Verlat in the back room(this completes Quest 6). Then head back to Goemoe's and give the otherhealing gem to Simon. Talk to Goemoe afterwards, and he'll teach you theRestoration spell as a reward.8.

Retrieve the magic axe called Slasher - 3500 XP.On level 1 of the catacombs, you encounter Smiruk and his party of orcs. Hismagic axe, Slasher, is lost somewhere in the catacombs. Must keep an eye outfor it in our travels.9. Help the dead necromancer - 3500 XP.You get this quest by speaking to the friendly skeleton in level 5 of thecatacombs. Just take your post at the lever in the NW corner, and the ritualto resurrect Thelyron will begin. When it's your turn, hit the lever and.that was easy!

I wonder how long those poor fools had been trying to raisethe old guy.10. George murdered! Expose George's murderer - 54000 XP andRestoration +1.When you return to George's shop after completing Quest 1, you'll find thatsomeone has murdered poor George. You get this quest by speaking to Mardaneusafter you discover George's body.

This one could take a while to solve.meanwhile, you can use one of the keys found by George's body to enter hislocked room. Moving the pillow reveals a composite key, which opens thelocked chest there.Eventually, you'll have both the requisite stats and the oportunity to avengethe murder of George.

It happens in Verdistis, in the cellar of Pierce's WineBarrel, on the east side of the town. Once you've killed George's murderer,return to Mardaneus in Aleroth to collect your reward.11. Find a solution to the plague problem in Rivertown - 20000 XP andReputation +1.Once you go outside the gates of Aleroth (to the south), the warrior Sethwill shepherd you back inside and you get this quest. Speak to Mardaneusagain, and you will get Quest 12.12.

An escort for the healers - 13000 XP.Go back and talk to Seth again, and he will tell you to seek out General Alixin the Rivertown barracks to arrange an escort. So, head straight south alongthe path towards Rivertown. Once you've gone a fair way's south, you'll beaccosted by a dragon rider. No matter what course of action you take, you'redead in short order. But fear not, the game shall not end so quickly.Salvation is there in the form of the wizard Zandalor, who vanquishes yourfoe, and is also there to resurrect you. Zandalor puts the Dwarven Bread Innon your map (where you're to rendezvous with him and the other Marked Ones),gives you a map of the teleporters (very useful! Study it), and the scroll ofthe teleporters of the mages to get you started.

You've also just receivedQuests 13 and 14. From there, keep heading south until you find a bridge witha few soldiers fighting some trolls on it. Help them out. Once over thebridge, you're in Rivertown.

From there, you might want to seek out GeneralAlix. Just have a good look at the red flags on your world map, and you'llsee the barracks where General Alix is stationed to the SE. The buildingwhere she is located is in the north part of the barracks. Talk to her, andshe will agree to send a party to escort the healers. You'll also getRivertown Quest 4 from Alix.13.

Find the teleporter activation scrolls - speedy travel.Zandalor has given you a map showing the locations of all the teleporters.When you hover your cursor over one on the map, it shows you which race builtthat teleporter, and thus which scroll you need to activate it. So far, usingthe scroll of the mages that Zandalor gave you, it's only possible to use theteleporter located just outside the gates of Aleroth, to the west. Here'swhere and how to find the other scrolls:.

Captain Mitox (see Rivertown Quest 4) has the teleporter scroll of thehumans. The teleporter scroll of the dwarves is in the possession of a dwarfnamed Krasnegar, who is normally in a back room of the Dwarven BreadInn. If you politely refuse his offer of gemstones, he walks out andleaves the scroll on the table. I say normally, because once I wasfighting orcs right outside the Inn, and Krasnegar came out to help. Inthat case, he said he was on his way to deliver the scroll to thedwarven village of Glenborus. However, if you then go into the backroom of the Dwarven Bread Inn, the scroll is still there on the table!Oh well, I guess he's just a forgetful little guy. After you've found an escort for the healers, they'll all be staying atthe Blue Boar Inn for the remainder of the game.

Goemoe is in one ofthe rooms there, and if you approach him inquiring if he knows anythingabout the lizards' teleporter scroll, he'll admit to having it. Onceyou tell him that Zandalor gave you the scroll of the mages, he'lltrust you enough to hand over the scroll of the lizards!. Elredor in the archers guild (far SW of Rivertown) will give you theteleporter scroll of the elves.

Just talk to him. The teleporter scroll of the orcs is a bit difficult to come. Youmust enter the tent just to the north of the jail pits, all the way inthe SE of orc territory (the SE section of the Rivertown area).

Onceyou kill him, the orc chief, Baluk, coughs up a platinum key that youcan use to progressively open all the chests in that tent until you getto the one with the teleporter scroll in it. Alternatively, once youhave Lockpick level 3, you can just lockpick the chest in the NE cornerof the tent. The teleporter scroll of the imps is located in the dungeon underneaththe imps' deserted castle.

See Dark Forest Quest 6.14. Meet the wizard Zandalor at the Dwarven Bread Inn - failed tocomplete.Locate the Dwarven Bread Inn on you map (just to the SE of Stormfist Castle)and head there. Note one of the dwarves' teleporters located just to the NWof the inn.

You meet another Marked One named Wouter in the back toom. Hetells you that Zandalor has gone to Stormfist Castle to find the third MarkedOne.

Don't worry that you have apparently failed this quest, as it wasimpossible to complete. It's just a plot device. However, you now haveRivertown Quest 2 to contend with.RivertownThis is an enormous area, just over the bridge from Aleroth. You will behere for a large portion of the game.In the farmlands part of Rivertown (west side), you will find many bundlesof straw.

Two of these can be employed to make a bed. Just click on one that'slying flat on the ground, and it will spread out to make half a bed. Thendrop another bundle onto it,. Hay presto, a place to sleep! (sorry,couldn't resist that pun:-) You can carry around two bundles of straw, readyto make a bed at any time, but they are quite heavy.

For the moment, you havethe teleporter pyramids anyway, but later on these will become unavailableand it's handy knowing how to make a bed then.In the farmlands area, SW of the Blue Boar Inn, there's a thugs hideout.The leader is pretty tough to knock off, but he coughs up a key when he dies,and the locked chest it opens contains 1900+ gold coins, and a few potions.Just to the NW of the Blue Boar Inn, in the SE corner of a field, you'llfind the farmlands teleporter concealed amongst some bundles of straw.There is a cathedral immediately to the north of the cursed abbey. As soonas you enter, you get quest 26 below.Quests-1. Deal with the Trolls - 17500 XP, Reputation +3, and 1300+ gold coins.Talk to Homer, who is standing outside his farmhouse just to the SE of thebridge between Aleroth and Rivertown.

It would appear the troll lair isback across the bridge and to the SW. Indeed, there is a cave there. You'dwant to be at least level 10 with a good weapon and/or spell(s) availablebefore taking on the pack of trolls! I found Poison Weapon to be quiteeffective. After you've slain all the trolls, a composite key that you findgets you into a locked chest in the south part of the cave that contains1200+ gold coins. When you return to Homer to let him know that you've takencare of the trolls, he'll give you another 100 gold coins.2. Find Zandalor - see Quest 24.When you meet Wouter at the Dwarven Bread Inn, he tells you that Zandalor hasgone to Stormfist Castle.

So head on over there and speak with the captain ofthe guard. Seems you need to doing something heroic in order to gainentry. You've just been given Quest 3. And it will be quite a while indeedbefore you can manage to find our good friend Zandalor.3.

Enter Stormfist Castle - Quest 17.South of the entrance to Stormfist Castle, you'll find the watchheadquarters. Speak to Commander Ralph there, and it would seem you have 3options for gaining entrance to Stormfist Castle:1. Find out who murdered the duke.

See Quest 13.2. Find out what is causing the Rivertown plague. See Quest 9.3.

Help the army to defeat the invading orcs. You accomplish this bycompleting Quests 6, 7, and 8.Completing any one of the above tasks will get you an invitation to thecastle.4. Contact Captain Mitox - 9000 XP.General Alix gives you a sealed message to deliver to Captain Mitox, who'sstationed in the village to the SE of here (he's usually inside the generalstore, or in that vicinity). Of course, you can open the message and gain apossibly valuable piece of information from it, but then Captain Mitox willknow you've read it and will be quite angry with you. However, if you agreeto take on Quests 6 for him, he'll get over it. I'll leave it up to you.

Youstill get the same amount of XP for delivering the message whether you openit or not. Mitox also hands you the scroll for the human teleporters!If you approach the village along the road that runs south from the barracks,you should bump into a poor villager. For a few gold coins, he'll tell youhis story, and put the entrance to a secret mining shaft that runs under theorc camp on your map. A very handy thing to know.5. Gareth's feign death potion - 20000 XP and key to weapons room ofthe barracks.Gareth is standing just outside the armoury, in the SW part of the barracks.He wants you to find him a feign death potion so that he can get out of thearmy. Another thing to be on the lookout for.

See Quest 26 below for thesolution.6. Ravage the supply train - 15000 XP and Reputation +3.You must complete Quest 4 first. Then Captain Mitox marks the location of theorc supply train on your map, and gives you a barrel of explosives.

I'dsuggest using the mining shaft to get there. The hatch entrance to the shaftis located in a building just to the SW of the general store. Head to theeast, and then south. You'll likely encounter your first giant orc down here.These suckers are tough. But I found that a combination of Freeze and PoisonWeapon did the job nicely.

Once you exit the shaft via the SE exit, you'llfind yourself right in the midst of some heavy orcs, but all you need do isrun over a very short distance to the east where the supply train is, anddrop the explosives that Mitox gave you right in the middle of the supplytrain. You witness a nice animation, and your character winds up back by themineshaft entrance again! Get out while you can, and return to Mitox, who'llthen give you Quest 7.7. Poison the orc water supply - 15000 XP and Reputation +3.Mitox gives you a bottle of poison that his mages have concocted, and marksthe location of the orcs' water supply on your map. This time, you should usethe mining shaft as in Quest 6, but take the exit to the NE instead. It'sstill quite a ways from there to the well, but Survivor characters can waittill nightfall and sneak all the way there (you're going to need a fewstamina potions though).

Other character types are going to have to get thereusing a combination of running and fighting. Once you've put the poison inthe orc well, it's best to just run all the way back to the mineshaftentrance. When you report back to Mitox, you get Quest 8.8. Meet General Alix at the Barracks - 11000 XP.You have to complete Quests 6 and 7 first, then Mitox suggests you return toGeneral Alix for a reward. Indeed, when you go the barracks and speak toAlix, she presents you with an invitation from Duke Janus to visit StormfistCastle.

See Quest 17.9. Who is responsible for the harvest disaster? - 11000 XP andReputation +1.There's a large farmhouse just to the NW of the Stormfist Castle walls. Lotsof chickens around the place. Enter via the south of the farmhouse, gothrough another door, and you'll find Hugh and his wife Elli. Talk to Hugh,and you'll discover that all the crops have taken on a sickish green colour.You suspect poison, but Hugh is not so sure.

Well, a bit to the NW of thepoor area of Rivertown, there's a cave guarded by a bunch of orcs. When youenter the cave (but only after speaking to Hugh first!), you'll find an orcthere named Tipsix and a lot of barrels full of poison. Once you've killedhim, he drops a golden key.

Return to Hugh, who then gives you Quest 10.10. Where does this key fit? - 11000 XP.You need to complete Quest 9 before you get this quest. Where does the keyfit?

Seeing as this is a guide, I suppose I must tell you:-) Go tothe Blue Boar Inn. Head through the bar to the west, and then down the hatch.Your golden key opens a locked door in the SE part of the cellar, and it'sfilled with the same barrels of poison as you found in the cave with Tipsix!Head back up and talk to the owner, Splinter. He tells you that the room inthe cellar is rented to a Dr.

Elrath, and puts the location of Elrath's houseon your map, if it isn't there already. I think it's time to pay thegood Dr. Elrath a visit, don't you?Dr. Elrath's house is located just to the SE of the market area. To the SE ofhis house there's a boulder next to a wall.

Moving it reveals a key. Thefront door is a little difficult to find. You have to go to the north side ofthe house, and use the Alt key so you can see the door. The key you foundunder the boulder gets you in. Elrath is usually just sitting rightthere (if not, you're in luck).

If you've come here as a result of Quest 10,you can accuse him of storing poison in the basement of the Blue Boar Inn.But he just says that the key was stolen from him some time ago, and that theperson that stole the key must have put the poison there. Anyway, it doesn'treally matter for what reason you came here. Elrath says he's leaving, turfsyou out, and locks the door again. Now, unless you have at least level 2Lockpick skill, you can't get back inside!When you finally do manage to get back into his house, he isn't there, andyou notice that all the interior doors are locked. The trick to opening themhas to do with the lanterns. Here's the order you need to extinguish them in:first, extinguish the lantern on the west wall, and also the one to the rightof the front door. Then go through the first open door, and extingusih thelantern right there, which opens the 2nd door.

Go into the bedroom next andextinguish the lantern on the north wall. Then go all the way back andextinguish the one to the left of the front door. Finally, extinguish the onenext to the first door you opened, and now you can go down into the basement.Once there, you have to move all the boxes blocking the door to the west.Then you discover it's locked, but the bronze key for this door is in thechest on the north wall. Once through the door and into the corridor, becareful. Elrath has poison-trapped the corridor.

Finally, before you open thenext door, be prepared. Elrath has a fearsome creature called a djinnguarding the place, and it has vitality of 1000+. A poisoned weapon orscorpion trap is the way to go here. Once though, I got it with about 30shots from a crossbow by running around in circles so it couldn't touch me:-) Once you've vanquished the djinn, pick up the 'letter of Elrath' that'son the table in the centre of the room (you've just completed Aleroth Quest11). When you go back upstairs, Elrath is waiting there and turfs you out ofthe house again. You need to go see Commander Ralph, in the watch buildinglocated south of Stormfist Castle. But Elrath sends some assassins after you,so be on the alert!

Once you get the letter to Commander Ralph, you're homefree and into Stormfist Castle with an invitation from young Duke Janus. SeeQuest 17.11. Looking for missing boy - 11000 XP.As you approach the market area on the road from the south, a woman namedCaroline will approach you. It appears her little boy is missing, and shefears he may have been playing near the Dark Cave, to the north of themarket area. She puts the cave on your map. Sure enough, when you enter thecave, a vampire has taken her son hostage. It would appear that the only wayto save Caroline's son is to let the vampire take a bite out of you instead!You lose a few stat points by allowing him to bite you (I lost 3 Strength, 1Agility, 1 Intelligence), but I suppose it's worth it just to save the boy.You now get Quest 12 as a result.

By the way, you did notice that thisvampire bore a striking resemblance to the guy who was accosting George backin Aleroth shortly before he was killed?12. Kill the vampire - see Aleroth Quest 10.After he bites you, the vampire retreats behind his locked door.

Once, I wasable to lockpick this door and drive him out of his coffin. But he was toopowerful for me to defeat at this stage in the game. Perhaps later?13. Expose the duke's murderer - an invitation to Stormfist Castle.Commander Ralph (located in the watch building to the south of StormfistCastle) gives you the name and location of a Merchant in Verdistis, SirDante, who should be able to tell you something more about this affair. Theroad to Verdistis is in the far NE of Rivertown.14. Catch the thief! - 15000 XP and Reputation +3.There's a farmhouse near the SW corner of Stormfist Castle, with farmersReginald and Tom standing outside it.

Tom tells you that someone has beenstealing his cows at night, and he'd like you to find out who it is. have to wander around and talk to a lot of people to solve this one.Eventually, you'll meet Dorian. His house is the one in the NW of the poorarea. Enter his cellar through the hatch and you'll find the evidence you'relooking for.

If you cover up for him (because he's giving the meat to theother poor people), then you technically fail to solve this quest, but youget the XP and Reputation increase documented above, and this does seem likethe best solution to the problem.15. Philosophy of life - 6000 XP and 1 level of Restoration!Just north of Stormfist Castle there are 3 people standing on a bend in theroad.

Speak with Otto. They would like to worship their god Nemris inNericon's Garden (just to the north of here), but they say the gate is lockedand a merchant named Blake has the key. Blake's store is on the west side ofthe market area, but he will only give you the key to Nericon's Garden ifyour Reputation is high enough. Mine was 18 at the time he finally agreed togive me the key. Even then, you must pay some gold coins for the privilege.So. Head for Nericon's Garden with Blake's key.

Gee, there sure are a lotof frogs around here. Remember that Blake mentioned something about frogs?Notice how when you hover your cursor over them that they're for some reasonextremely hostile? Well, the key to solving this quest is that you must killall the frogs! A ranged weapon is very helpful in this regard. Once you'vedone that, a portal opens.

Go through the portal and take all the gold coins(and the frog statuette if you aren't swimming in the damn things already).Then exit and talk to the statue in the north part of garden, but save beforeyou do! I'll leave it to you to figure out the answers to the questions heasks of you. Once you've answered the three questions correctly, Otto and theother two followers come rushing in to worship their god.16. Finding the Holy Weapon - 34000 XP and a very powerful item of yourchoosing.You get this quest when you find the first of the three Strange Weapons. Youcan find them in any order, depending on where your wanders take you.

Hereare the three weapons and their locations:1. Strange Dagger - Verdistis, Ducal Inn, Rob's room in basement. You mustjoin the thieves guild to get access to this weapon.2.

Strange Amulet - Dark Forest, Elven Ruins, in cobwebs after enteringthrough platform in pond.3. Strange Sword - Iona's dungeon, northern area. You get chucked in hereupon leaving Stormfist Castle when Janus dismisses you from service.Once you've found all three Strange Weapons, then find the stairway that'shidden in a clump of trees to the NE of the Cathedral. Once down there, DONOT TOUCH ANY OF THE 4 TOMBS, or you will break this quest. Stand in the hexfloor pattern to the SE of the statue there, and it will speak to you.

Youhave a choice of which of the three Holy Weapons you'd prefer. Once you'vemade your choice, the other two items are destroyed and merged with this oneto produce a very powerful third item, which is one of the followingdepending on your preference:. Strange Dagger becomes: Small nobleman's dagger. Guaranteed to do muchmore damage than your average dagger.

Strange Amulet becomes: Nobleman's amulet, probably the least powerfulof the 3 items. Strange Sword becomes: Nobleman's sword, a nice one-handed weapon.The attributes of the various items you create are somewhat random, so Ican't tell you exactly what you'll wind up with. But it will be good, youcan bet on that:-)17. An appointment with the new ruler of Ferol - 27500 XP andReputation +10.You get this quest once you've received an invitation to visit Janus atStormfist Castle. Now, you might think this sounds crazy, but the first thingyou should do before you enter the castle is go to the farmlands and put twobundles of straw in your inventory. Also make sure you're stocked up onpotions. It's not that you're going to need this stuff inside the castle.It's for where you're going directly AFTER you visit the castle!

Once you'reready to roll, head over to Stormfist Castle and flash your fancy invitationat the captain of the guard. As soon as you enter the castle, you're accostedby a mischievous imp (really, is there any other kind?) named ZixZax. And.he promptly relieves you of your teleporter pyramids!

Nothing you can do toprevent this happening, by the way. Are you getting a bad feeling about thisyet? Anyway, you follow one of Janus' aides inside and are presented to hismajesty, the spoiled little brat.

Guess where you're expected to spend thenext 40 years of your life? (though obviously not, because that would putquite a dent in the ol' gameplay, yah?) But anyway, you're now in the serviceof Janus, at least for the time being, so better do as he says and meet himin his quarters (north, then east, then SE), where you get Quest 18.18. Find the white cat - 15000 XP.This Janus really is an annoying little twit.

He's obviously got nothingbetter to do than send you all over the castle on his petty little errands.Oh well, best get stuck into it as you're not going anywhere in a hurry.from Janus' room, just wander down the hall south a bit, and you'll beapproached by a white cat. Hey, it's Zandalor's friend, Arhu, the littleguy that woke you up at the start of the game! You learn that Zandalor hasapparently gone off in search of the third Marked One, who he fears Janus isholding prisoner somewhere in the depths of the castle dungeons.

Actually,now that you've found the cat, you're free to do a little exploring of yourown because Janus isn't expecting you back for a while. So, in the SW partof the castle, there's a room just north of the locked armoury with a bronzekey that unlocks the armoury sitting right there on the table. In the SWpart of the armoury, there's a shield requiring ID level 5. Once identified,this turns out to be the Shield of the Dragon, part of the fabled DragonArmor set. When you're finished exploring, return to Janus to get the nextboring quest.19. Deliver a love letter to Lela - 15000 XP.Lela's room is just to the South of Janus' room.

Deliver the letter Janusgives you and then return to him.20. Flowers for Lela - 15000 XP.These are located outside the castle building by the front gate, just to theeast of the well. When you return to see Janus after this errand he is nolonger in his room.

So, go to the throne room. You witness an embarrassingexchange between Janus and Bronthion, a very important elf. After it's over,Janus sends you on Quest 21.21. Find the teddy bear - 15000 XP.The teddy bear is in the corner just outside Janus' room.

After you deliverit to Lela and are exiting her room, Janus' aide runs up to you and says thatyou are to attend a meeting in the throne room with some merchants fromVerdistis forthwith. See Quest 22.22.

Escaping Stormfist Castle - 15000 XP and Reputation -15.The merchants have come from Verdistis to support Janus in the war againstthe orcs. Right in the middle of the meeting, some orcs break into the castleand attempt to assassinate Janus. No matter how quick you are to draw yousword and kill most of the orcs, Janus still has to raise his hand. Aspunishment for not being as good a 'protector' as you should have been, Janushas you turfed out of the castle (yipee! Free at last), but tarnishes yourreputation in the process (hey, we can live with that).

However, your freedomis short-lived. You won't get far from Stormfist Castle before Elonacatches up with you. Turns out that Janus' advisor is actually a wicked hagin disguise named Iona. You are whisked to her dungeon, and now have a newprison to escape from. There are two orcs guarding your cell. But all youneed do is try to open the locked door, then move away, and Arhu comes tothe rescue! He takes care of both orcs, and hands you the key to your cell.Once out of the cell, there is little of interest on this floor, so justhead up the stairway in the SW corner to get Quest 23.23.

Find your equipment in Iona's dungeon - 41000 XP.Arhu is there when you reach the top of the stairs, and indicates that achest behind a locked door contains all your gear. The key to open this dooris plainly seen in a room to the east. And now it's time to retrieve yourbelongings and fight your way out of this place. Unless you're a reallystrong character at this stage in the proceedings, it's best just to take theshortest path out of this dungeon, fighting as little as possible (not thatyou won't have quite a bit of fighting to do nonetheless). To find your wayout, just keep heading west. You'll have to make the occasional detour eithernorth or south, but the further you get to the west, the closer you are tothe stairway that leads back to the outside world.

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However, there are a fewinteresting diversions here for the curious. Firstly, there's an intriguingmanuscript in a room all the way to the NE.

With it, you can summon a hordeof skeletons and other creatures, including a tough lich. Only for thosedesperately in need of more XP though, otherwise I'd give it a miss for now(you should come back here later though, when your character is muchstronger. Say at least level 25. See section entitled 'Iona's dungeonrevisited' below). Also, in the northen part of the dungeon, there's askeleton chained to the wall in a niche. At his feet is a lone candle in apentagram. If you extinguish this candle, a section of the wall to the northopens.

It looks like there are a lot of gems for the taking in this room, butit turns out to be an illusion when you try to pick one of them up. However,there does remain a Stange Sword. This is one of the three Holy Weapons (seeQuest 16). And in a room in the SE part of this dungeon, there is a portal inthe centre of three pedestals that hold ancient pyramids, much like the onesyou just lost. But this portal is guarded by some tough skeletons. Touchingany of the pyramids in an attempt to put it in your inventory just seems toinvoke more of them! However, if you can manage to step on the portal in allthis mayhem, it takes you very close to the exit from the dungeon.

It lookslike you are trapped, but you can walk right through a 'rock wall' to thesouth, and then the way out is just to the SW of here. Anyway, there are somevery tough battles to be fought in this dungeon.

Once you've gone as far asyou're willing to go regards topping up your Vitality and Magic with preciouspotions, it's time to find a calm place to deploy those two bundles of strawyou brought with you to make a bed. Finally, when you find a stairway leadingup all the way on the west side of the dungeon, you'll have your get 11000 of the above XP for finding your equipment, and the rest whenyou exit Iona's dungeon. You find yourself in a graveyard. Arhu is thereagain, and you get Quest 24 as a result. But Iona appears right after youfinish speaking to Arhu, and you have to fight some tough zombies.

I wound uprunning like hell for the graveyard gate, which is just to the SE of here!Once outside, you'll bump into Apollo, who'll give you Quest 25.24. Find out what happened to Zandalor - 55000 XP.