
World of Final Fantasy follows twin siblins Lann and Reynn as their ordinary, peaceful life is turned upside down when they take up one morning and everyone in their town has disappeared. I’ve been gaming since a very young age and although I can’t remember my very first game, I fondly remember enjoying Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and being giddy with joy once I beat Dr. My all-time favourite game is a tie between Persona 4 Golden and Final Fantasy IX. As you may have noticed, I have a love for JRPG’s although I dabble in all genres.


World of Final Fantasy (PlayStation 4 reviewed, PlayStation Vita) Developer: Square. MSRP: $59.99 (PS4.

My favourite genres are fighters, visual novels and, of course, JRPG’s. Follow me on Twitter @mitchjaylineham, and check me out on Open Critic as Mitch Jay.

World of Final Fantasy is one of the games which has been confirmed to include a PS4 Pro patch to enhance the visual quality on the new hardware.